"At least you know...That's the only way you'll get it." She said in further resistance, once again recoiling from his touch finding him incredibly repulsive in the moment. An incredibly handsome repulsive monster. "I can't stand the thought of becoming pregnant by you." She said glaring, feeling her internal strength coming back to lodge it against his domineering presence.

"And here you go... Fucking it up once again." He said with his jaw tensing as he stood rigid his eyes not breaking the contact with hers that were beginning to waver from his radiating intensity. "You need to learn how to shut your fucking mouth."

"Oh, but dear..." she said in snide. "We were doing so well." Her eyes fluttering sarcastically as she made the motions to stand, immediately being shoved back down by his firm hand on her shoulder.

"Did you forget something, honey bunch?" He questioned carrying a snarky tone, as his pointer finger extended pulling at the collar of her shirt and moving the soft material to the side showing the red mark on her neck. "You weren't in true heat when you did this." He once again smirked at her only further angering the female.

"I didn't do that. You did." She grimaced, her upper body shrugging away from his hand as she more tightly crossed her arms shrinking her frame.

" You were right though.. I lied to you earlier." he said in a deep tone, his volume lowering drawing her attention to each of his carefully spoken words. "You are getting fat. I would have said anything to get in between those legs of yours and ruin your only valuable attribute." He now going in for the kill, his way of ending their little discord. "What a sad disgusting little pig. How insecure you were, with thighs wide open begging for my attention. " He added in chide with a sneer.

She said nothing. Her shoulders dropped and she looked like she was in a state of shock, her lips parting slightly as her jaw hung. He, singlehandedly, bringing back up all those insecurities she had previously felt. He also taking the opportunity to walk away without another word to let her fester in the depths of those insecurities.

Jason didn't lose arguments, and he never played fair. Just as much as she wanted to hurt him, he in turn decided to do it better, already knowing a weakness to directly target and get her to respond in submission.

She sat there, the medication no longer holding any weight in her system despite it's supposed eight hour lifespan. Elbows leaning on the table so hands could suspend in the air, allowing her fingers to clutch at her blonde locks, and tears running down her face. An anger deep within her brewing from how deeply she was hurt by his words, his apparent thoughts and opinions, and wishing she could not care about them. A worry still present that in a matter of days she would lose further control of herself and be completely lost.


Day light faded into dark cloud covered skies with the usually bright moon being shrouded behind them. She still sat at the table unmoving, no more tears being shed only due to lack of hydration. She only snapping back to reality as he once again appeared in the doorway, not entering the room.

"It'a time for dinner. Let's go." He said sternly, apparently not having cooled off from the time away from her, the attitude still present and laced firmly in his voice. She had struck a nerve with him in regards to how loudly she voiced her distaste at the idea of carrying his child.

"I'm not hungry." She replied in monotone, not looking at his frame basking in the light of the hallway, it shining a bit of visibility in the now darkened room that lost its sunshine.

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