Chapter 14: The End pt.2

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I sat beside Draco and putted my hand in his back making hi pick his head up.
"Elizabeth." He whispered.

"Draco." I nodded.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were at the muggle world. Why did you come, El? It's dangerous."

"What matter is that I'm alive."

"Thanks to haven's sake. You're bleeding out of you nose and left eyebrow."

"I'm fine, really‐"

"No! No!"

We heard and lookd at each other scared.
We knew that was Voldemort's voice.

We went ot there and saw them. Hagrid carrying Harry in his arms. "Stupid girl!" Said Voldemort. "Harry Potter is dead." I bursted out crying. "From this day forth... you'll put your faith in me."

~Hell no~

"Harry Potter is dead!" He repeated making the Death Eters laugh. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward to join us... or die." He continued.

"Draco!" Said Lucius and I looked at him. "Draco." He repeated and now everyone one turned to look at him.

"Olivia. Come." Now Nercissa said.

Olivia stood in place but Draco started walking. I grabbed his hand making him stop and turn around. I shook my head. "Do leave me, again. Please." I said and more tears came to my eyes.

"Well, well, well... look who we have here. Elizabeth Black. Seems like everyone is coming to me now." He did a little laugh. "I was so anxious in meeting you."

"To bad I can't say the same, can I now?" I said and gave him a fake smile.

"How dear you talk to the Dark Lord like that, you filthy little bi-"

"Bellatrix, who invited you to the conversation with my dear, dead mother's nasty, ex lover?" I said. Draco squished my hand and wined his eyes at me. He know that Voldemort was getting mad and so did I.

"You're just like your mother. Thinking you can stand up to me."

"Why did you kill her? Didn't you love her? You could have made a happy family with her. I could have been your daughter. Thanks to haven's sake, I'm not. Just because you wanted to be powerful! My parents and I did nothing to you. My mother decided to love another man to get over you cause you broke her! She truly loved you and you broke her! Now they're dead. You don't know how sorry I am for you pathetic ass for losing a woman like she was."

"How dare you call me pathetic!" He shouted. "Since you are so broken with your parents death let me help you so you be with them. Say hello for me, will you?"

Draco and Olivia stood in front of me, covering me. In front of them Neville who pulled a sword from a hat. Voldemort raised his wand. Bam! We heard. It was Harry. He wasn't dead. "Confringo!" Harry cast on the snake and ran.

Some Death Eters started leaving including the Malfoys except Draco and Olivia. We ran back into the castle. "All remain into the castle. We have to kill the snake." Harry ordered.

Neville stood in front of us and Voldemort threw a spell making hi fly backwards.
Harry ran in some direction I couldn't tell. But I knew he was alone. And that wasn't good. "Draco, stay here and fight the Death Eters with Olivia. I have to help Harry."

"No. Are you mad? You can't go alone." He said worried.
"I'll be alright. Do as I say, please."

I ran up the stairs when I was Harry rolling down. But I lost him when Voldemort threw a spell. I ran a little more in other direction and found Hermione. She threw a rock at the snake. "Are you crazy?" I said as the snake started coming for us.

We backed up without taking our eyes away from he. Ron came from behind her but she turned to him.

We started running and the snake was following us.
A Death Eter stepped in my way so I couldn't run. "Flipendo!" I cast and he was knocked back and fall down the stairs. We ran to a point were there was nowhere else to go. I closed my eyes waiting for the snake to bite. I felt like someone stepped into front of me. It was Draco. He was given his back to the snake.

The snake never attacked. We turned around and saw like a black smoke in the air. Neville had kill the snake. We all laughed out of happiness for not being killed. Draco kissed me passionately and hugged me.

We entered the Grate Hall Ron and Hermione holding hand and Draco and I holding hands as well. Harry looked at our hands and did a little smile. The three of them went out while Draco and I stayed at the Grate Hall. Madam Pompfrey gave me something to clean the blood in my face.
Draco cleaned my bloody brow and nose while I stared at his grey beautiful eyes, with a smile.
"What?" He asked and smiled.
"What?" I asked.
"You like what you see?" He smirked.
"A lot." I laughed.

We went to a lonely tower in the castle. We could se al the damage and ruins.
We sat down looking out. I putted my head on his shoulder. "I love you." Draco murmured.

~Did Draco Malfoy just-~

"I love you too." I said. I smile for a moment in the silence. But that silence was fone when I let out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" He asked.

"It's funny how since I met you I had this question in my head. 'Can hate turn into love?' And I always thought that wasn't possible... until now?" I picked up my head and smiled at him.

"The thing is that, I do think I really actually hate you." He laughed.

                           THE END

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