Chapter 41. A tamed wolf

Comenzar desde el principio

In the past, the Goddess informed the dragons of the identity of their future queen, who was until that point a normal village girl.

A bit naïve and easily controllable, the young girl was lead by the white dragons into their palace, teaching and actively transforming her in a puppet ruler, instead of grooming her as an actual leader and showing her how to really use her power.

In time, Nyx, the queen fell in love with a black dragon, and one of the dragons who had disapproved the white dragons' use of their queen for their own purposes.

The frictions between the two factions led to a terrible war between the black dragons and the white ones. A war which ended in tragic deaths, as the queen of the dragons lost control of her powers in grief for her lost lover, who had fallen on the battle ground moments earlier, effectively decimating alone more than half of the entire population of dragons and herself in the process." Gabriel explained a part of the general history.

"But I don't understand, why do you say the Goddess intervened, if the queen killed herself, and did not die by another dragon's hand?" Jake asked, intrigued by the story, which seemed more like a fairytale rather than actual history.

"Because the dragons more or less indirectly participated in her loss, and because to maintain their superiority on the battlefield against the black dragons at that time, they had feasted on the queen's wings which had the ability to continuously regenerate their wounds.

They spilled her blood and caused her harm, without a care for her wellbeing, up until she lost control of her powers." Gabriel fervently explained, glad that he had managed to capture the students' attention. In fact, history was his favorite subject to teach.

"As such, they committed the seventh taboo, they killed their own ruler.

This incurred the Goddess' anger, and their total annihilation. Although, today there are still black dragons alive, you will never find a white one. The moment the queen died, all the white dragons, even the ones that had not participated in the war, fell ill and died soon after.

It was rumored that the white dragons that did not take part in the war still had a part in the Goddess' anger, because of their passiveness. The black dragons at least fought for their queen, but the white ones who did not actively fight against them, also did not help her.

Another point you should remember is that for us werewolves, the leadership of all the werewolves is given from the father to his pup, so the king's position is inherited, but the mate of the king has long been thought of as being decided by the Goddess, as She decides which werewolf possess the queen's half a soul.

Although, we do not have clear evidence for this, as the Goddess never ascertained it herself, like She did for the dragons, and also a queen of ours has never died from unnatural causes.

So I cannot tell you what would happen if someone were to murder our king, but the murder of the future queen could potentially cause an even greater calamity that could befall on us, if this fact would turn out to be true." Frankly spoke Gabriel.

In truth at the time when he took Celia to help Salas with his treatment, he indeed had acted rashly. He was one of the most competent officials in the kingdom and one who would generally coldly judge a situation and act accordingly.

But at that time he lost his cool, seeing his friend hurt that badly, and Celia's identity as the mate's king was also not certain, he asked for her help, but if she had died... would the Goddess have done something to them?

Not to mention only this, but also the fact that all the council members and him had tried to find a mate for Salas. If Salas had not waited for Celia, would this have also impacted them in some way?

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