"You know your a real asshole!" I yelled to johnny. "How do you know it was me sweetheart. I mean Bobby did start it." Johnny smirked. I looked at Bobby who looked sorry.

I was about to say something else when Ali grabbed my shoulder and pulled me back. "Come on Jordyn, let's go they aren't worth it." She pulled me with her and I gave Johnny a rude look as she did so.

After school I walked out to Nate's car and sally came up to me. "So, Ali and Meg are hanging out tonight. And I was thinking... since I'm dating Michael, you should come to their practice tonight to keep me company." She said. I paused and quickly looked at her.

My hair got stuck in my lip gloss and I struggled to get it out. "Sure, I guess it's something to do." I said. "Yay! I thought you would say no." She laughed. We got in her car and drove there. I got nervous thinking about Johnny, he was so cruel.

We pulled in and got out. "So, there sensei is a little mean, so don't mind him." Sally opened the door and I walked in. I didn't see Johnny and wondered if he wasn't here, well I hoped.

Me and sally sat in the chairs and watched them. All of a sudden I saw Johnny In front of everyone. "Forward strike." He said as he guided everyone. He saw me and winked and I couldn't help but blush.

After practice everyone changed and the guys walked up to us. Michael and sally kissed and rolled my eyes and smiled. Young love never lasted. I looked at Johnny's sensei and I wondered if he would let me join.

"We are going to get going Jordyn, want to come back with us, we are going to Johnny's house." Sally said. Her arms were wrapped around Michaels neck as she turned her head to look at me.

"Uhm. I might stay for a little bit, and I can walk home, it isn't that far, I like the fresh air." I smiled. "Oh, ok. See you tomorrow." Dutch, Michael, sally, Tommy, and Bobby walked out of the dojo.

Johnny went into the back to grab something so I walked into his sensei's office. He looked at me and smirked. "What can I do for you mrs?" He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

I started getting a little nervous but I sat down in the chair. "Could I join your karate dojo, I've always wanted to start karate for self defense." I smiled but the sensei looked at me like I was stupid as he chuckled.

"A girl... doing karate? Your out of your mind." He said shaking his head. I looked at him and raised an eye brow. "Girl are just as capable as men are, maybe even more." I tried to explain to him but I was cut off.

"Girls are useless, now get out of my dojo before I throw you out myself." He grabbed some papers and began to write on them. "Bullshit! Let me join and I'll show you otherwise." I slammed my hand on the table and stood up and he gave me a rude look.

He stood up and walked towards me and I got nervous. "Fine." He grabbed my arm hard and tried to bring me out of his office. "Let me go. Your hurting me." I said. I got worried and my arm started to hurt more.

All of a sudden Johnny rushed in and stood by his sensei. "Let her go, she did nothing wrong." Johnny said. All of a sudden he released me and I quickly stood behind Johnny. "Go outside, I'll be there in a minute." He said. I assumed he was going to talk to his sensei for a minute.

I quickly walked out and stood outside. I was so overwhelmed with what just happened that I didn't even realize I was crying. The door opened behind me and I saw Johnny carrying a bag and walking towards me.

"Are you ok?" It sounded like he really cared. I knew if was probably all an act. "What do you care." I said quietly. "oh come on, I care. I won't let someone hurt a girl. Let me just give you a ride home." He smiled.

"Fine." I said. I followed him to his bike and he gave me a helmet. He put the helmet on me and smiled. "What?" I started to blush a little.

"Nothing." He smiled before getting on his bike. He helped me on and turned his head to me a little. "Hold on tight... sweetheart." He said. I couldn't help but blush, and I knew if he saw me right now, my face would be as red as his cobra Kai jacket.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and held on tight as he began to drive off. I began to giggle as my hair flowed in the wind. I looked out to the beach we past and looked at the sunset, oh how it was beautiful.

I told him where I lived and About 10 minutes later we pulled in. He stopped his bike and got off. I took the helmet off and gave it to him. All of a sudden he moved a piece of hair that was in my face and I looked up into his eyes.

He was really cute, but that still didn't change anything. "Thank you." I quickly walked away and opened up the gate. I walked in and looked back as Johnny left. Maybe he could change, I just had to give him a chance.

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