Chapter 6 - I love it when the only light is me, you, and the moon

Start from the beginning

 When she wasn’t painting or spending time with Shawn and their friends, she could be found sleeping, which she had been doing a lot. She started to think she wasn’t being much active, so she looked online for prenatal yoga classes and asked Shawn to drive her to classes two days a week. They weren’t exactly cheap, but when she mentioned it to him, he wouldn’t take no for an answer and she only agreed because she knew it was the best for her current situation.

 One day Shawn comes home by the end of the afternoon, carrying a small bag in his hands as the sun is setting outside on the beach. Tarzan greets him enthusiastically like he always does before guiding Shawn to where Camila is in the balcony. She has a concentrated look on her face as she works on a piece for her exhibition at the gallery.

 “ Do you think you’ll be done anytime soon?” Shawn asks, taking her by surprise because she didn’t hear him come in.

 “ Yeah, sure. Why?” She asks, interrupting what she’s doing to look at him.

 “ I might have a surprise for you.” He says, a smile spreading through his lips and melting her right there where she is. If she wasn’t sitting down, she might have ended up on the floor because of his damn smile. It has quickly become one of her favorite things about him. She wonders if that was already the case before her loss of memory.

 Ten minutes later Camila is blindfolded as Shawn guides her outside the house, making sure she doesn’t fall. She feels the sand on her feet and smells the scent of the ocean, letting her know they’re at the beach just outside their house. When they arrive at their destination, which she can tell is close to the shore because of the sound of the waves crashing, Shawn makes her wait a few more minutes before taking off the blindfold from her eyes.

 Camila was right, they’re very close to the shore, but not enough for the waves to reach them. She looks down and finds that Shawn layed out a blanket over the sand, where she can see a bunch of electric candles, bags of food and his guitar on the corner. It looks like a date, she can’t deny that, and the fact that he put that much effort into it makes her heart burst inside her chest.

 “ Shawn, this is beautiful.” She whispers, looking up at him like he’s from another planet or something.

 They sit down and he puts the food out for them to eat, making Camila gasp in excitement when she realizes he picked up Chinese food. She’s been craving Chinese a lot this last week and she thought he would be already tired of it because of how many times they ordered it in such a short amount of time, but he didn’t seem to mind. He opened the last bag to reveal a strawberry milkshake that Camila had told him earlier that she was desperately craving.

 “ Oh my god, you’re the best.” She says with excitement, hugging him before taking a sip from the straw.

 “ Didn’t want this little one to look like a milkshake.” He says with a laugh, placing his hand for a second of her bump that is still not showing much. For her it was obvious her stomach wasn’t as flat as before, but for anyone on the outside it was an unnoticeable change.

 Once the food is over, the sun is long gone and the sky is dark above them with a beautiful full moon. Shawn makes a joke about werewolves that makes her laugh, but points out the fact that it was such a dad joke. She can see the glim in his eyes when she says the word dad, realizing he’s in fact about to become that, just like she’s about to become a mom.

 He takes his guitar and plays her a few songs, looking into her eyes the whole time as her stomach explodes with butterflies. She had heard him sing and strum the guitar around the house countless times by now, but he had yet to serenade her like this. At one point, a curl falls over his forehead and she involuntarily reaches her hand to fix his hair. Shawn stops playing the second he feels her fingers on his hair, locking his eyes with hers before eyeing her lips. He leans in with hesitation, waiting to see her reaction, so she nods her head and lets him know she wants him to kiss her.

 The second his lips are over hers, Camila feels the butterflies on her stomach turn into an entire zoo. She holds his face in her hands and lets him slowly deepen the kiss, opening her lips to him and letting her tongue meet his. It feels electric the way he kissed her with such intent, making her feel tingles from her head to her toes and leaving her wanting so much more when they are finally apart.

 “ Wow.” She whispers as he looks at her with concern in his eyes, clearly wondering if he had maybe overstepped. She leans in and kisses him again, showing him he has nothing to worry about. “ You’re a good kisser.”

 “ You tend to say that a lot.” He says with a slightly cocky smirk on his lips.

 “ Well, now you know I wasn't lying.” She says with a laugh, feeling her cheeks grow hot.

 His lips meet hers again and they share more kisses before she asks him if he wants to get in the water with her. They’re soon just in their underwear and Camila has a hard time not checking him out, seeing for the first time how his daily workouts were paying off. She catches him staring at her ass, but he quickly looks away and guides her to the water. They spend a little over an hour between the waves, holding each other and kissing as the moon shines above their heads. Camila is sure in this moment that she’s in love with him, no memories were needed to tell her that. Maybe she knew all along that this was going to happen, because not falling in love with him looked like such a hard task for her.

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