Healing and Teaching~Vanessa Ives

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Crying was all that could be heard through out Victor Frankenstein's lab. Ethan had just abandoned the séance, taking Brona back to America with him after making her fall in love with him.

As Vanessa sat in the lab after being asked by Victor to look after it and his 'new creation' whom she had yet to meet, She sat against the room's centre piller.

The sound of a book falling caught the crying woman's attention. Looking over to the farthest corner of the room, Vanessa saw the silhouette of a bare bodied woman trying to peek at her from under a clothed table.

She stood up, wiping her pale face as she began to slowly walk over. The hiding woman looked at her with gold, bloodshot eyes as she monitored Vanessa.

"Hello? Are you alright?" Vanessa asked softly as to not terrify the young woman. She just watched her in awe, as if.. amazed by the living woman.

"Can you come out? I won't harm you.." Slowly, the undead woman wiggled out of her hiding place, wearing an overly large men's shirt (Caliban's) and makeshift trousers made from a curtain.

Vanessa felt a connection towards the woman. Something she could identify at that time.

The woman held a hand out, placing her hand gently on Vanessa's face. Tracing her features with bewildered eyes, a open smile growing on her face.

Something about seeing the wonder filled woman made Vanessa feel slightly less sad. She slowly placed her hand on the woman's in front of her.

"Do you have a name?" The woman shook her head slowly, eyes not leaving Vanessa's face. She then pulled her hand away, looking around the room at the books, papers and pens. She staggered over to Victor's workbench, followed by the once crying woman.

The reborn woman took a pen and opened Vanessa's hand, placing it carefully into her palm before sliding her some paper with the diagram of her body and creation. She then pointed to Vanessa, then the paper, then herself.

Vanessa quickly caught onto what the woman was trying to tell her.

"You would like me to name you?" The 'monster' nodded, the same open mouthed smile appearing. Ethan had completely left the tormented woman's mind fully for that moment, all her focus on the innocent, nameless woman before her.

Looking over the drawing, she wrote down a name. "Your name, shall be Y/n" 'Y/n' gave a breathy laugh, jumping slightly on her spot. Vanessa felt as if her heart filled at the sweetness infront of her. 'Y/n' then pointed at Vanessa again, then the same paper, but pointed to Vanessa again.

"My name is Vanessa Ives" 'Y/n' held out her hand, having learnt how to handshake from her older 'brother' Caliban.

"Can you read?" Vanessa asked softly. 'Y/n' looked around before grabbing a book. She then began to say her first words.

"V-va-nessa r-read p-po-etry" Vanessa felt touched, almost like she had been awarded.

"Poetry? What kind?"

For the next few hours, the two woman walked, sat and lied around the lab reading books about poetry, love stories, every book imaginable. Vanessa had decided to teach the woman about the world and everything in it, good and bad. Starting with speech.

When Victor came back, he found Vanessa reading a text from one of many books, asking 'Y/n' to read back the same words, both successfully and unsuccessfully.

When the woman noticed the man, 'Y/n' waved, like a child.

"H-hello f-fa-father!"

Vanessa smiled, stroking her hand over the woman's head. In that moment, both Victor and Vanessa knew, 'Y/n' would be leaving to live with Vanessa. Where they can heal and teach eachother.

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