He's ok~Alma Peregrine

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The children had gone to bed hours ago, Alma and I following close behind. But I woke up at midnight, and my wife was no where to be found.

I sighed softly while getting out of bed. Quietly walking through the house, I searched everywhere for her. She was nowhere to be seen.

Taking a moment, I tried to think there she could be. Checking the doors, I frowned. 'All the doors are locked so she's not gone out. The windows are all closed so she hasn't gone out for a quick fly around the island.. nothing out of the ordinary.'

It then occurred to me what the day was. 60 years since the accident.

Smiling sadly to myself, I walked back up the stairs, but continued up the second flight of stairs aswell.

As I reached the quiet hallway, a soft glow could be seen out of one of the doors. As I opened the door slowly, I found Alma holding Victor, tears falling from her gem like eyes. Leaning againt the door, I watched her closely.

"I knew you'd be here bluebird" I said softly, trying not to alarm her. Taking steps towards the bed, I sat next to her. Gently wrapping my arms around her slim waist.

"I can't help but think that I could have done something to stop his death..." Alma whimpered, leaning back into the woman holding her.

"I know.. but you need to remember, we wouldn't have known it was here.. I can't help but blame myself".

Alma pulled away gently, giving her wife a look filled with question. "Why do you say that?"

Y/n sighed. Tears slowly filling her eyes. "If only I had been where I should have on that day. Do you ever wonder why, at the same time for the past 60 years I've sat on the walls around the garden staring out at the sea and the cliffs? It's because that is where I was meant to be when he died.. I would have seen it.. I could have been useful.. saved him.."

Alma had never seem me so broken, truthfully she had never seen me cry. I turned my face away from her, only to feel her clawed hand turn my face towards her.

"You've blamed yourself for so long?" All I could bring myself to do was nod. She gently laid Victor back down, kissing the top of his cold head before taking my hands in hers  looking deeply into my sad eyes.

"You were busy making sure all of the other children were ok Y/n, I was out getting things. Victor always snuck away, how would you have known, my love? As sad as his passing is.." she turned to face the boy "he's ok now.." I nodded sadly. Tears in my eyes.

"I know.." she stood up, pulling me up gently with her as she walked to the bedroom door. "Come..let's go to bed" before leaving the room I looked back at the boy. Picturing him smiling up at me with his cheeky little grin. Something I missed every day. Slowly I closed the door, closing my eyes as tears filled them once again.

Going back to our shared room and lying in our bed, Alma curled up into my chest, arms wrapped around eachother.

As I slowly closed my eyes, falling into a deep slumber, I could have sworn I felt cold lips on my cheek and a soft voice whisper into my ear.

"It's ok momma..I'm ok.."

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