Alone~Alma Peregrine

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Alma stepped into the parlor only to find her wife of a year sat in the corner on a window ledge seat looking out in deep thought.

With a smile on her face and her pipe in hand, the bird strolled over to the unsuspecting woman, placing her hands over her eyes.

"Guess who, my dove" the woman feigned question of whos hands covered her thoughts glazed eyes.

"Hmm.." she placed her own hands on the ones covering her eyes.

"Soft yet slightly rough hands" she moved her hands up Alma's to her fingers.
"Long, luxurious fingers.. talons for nails.."

Alma smiled again, moving her hands away from her wife's but held her wife's instead.

"Why so deep in thought, dove?"

Y/n soft smile fell ever so slightly, which the bird caught. Y/n gently pulled the raven haired woman onto her lap, wrapping her arms around her mid section.

"How alone..were you before Jake and I got here?"

Alma looked at the woman perplexed. "I was not alone, I had the children"

Y/n sighed softly. "I know, but even with people around, no matter how many or how long. How alone were you?"

This made the bird think. For years she had cared for the children, cooked for them, cleaned up after them, dressed them, etc.. but at the end of a long day when all the children had gone to sleep, she had nothing and no one.

She turned to her wife once again. "What's brought this up, dove?"

Y/n shrugged, resting her head on her wife's shoulder.

"Its just, before Jake and I got here, you were the only 'Adult'. You wouldn't have had really anyone to talk to because you don't like to worry the kids or scare them in anyway."

Alma studied her wife's features. Something else was bothering her.

"Dove.. what is truly wrong?"

Y/n looked into the birds deep, crystal eyes before speaking.

"Youve lived in this loop for over 60 years now. I know it got better when we arrived but.. did you ever question where the world outside is? What it was doing? How the earth and time could move on but you were stuck living in the past? Do you miss it?"

This was a surprise to the older bird. She didn't know how easy she was to read, at least to Y/n.

"I know.. that sometimes you close your eyes and pretend that your alright.. I've seen you do it A, but its never enough..that before I got here your only real 'friends' were the shadows."

Alma began to well up. She finally felt seen. Of course she knew that everyone could see her, but see her when she was lying about how she truly felt on the inside, to see her cracking slowly.

"But bluebird, you are not alone anymore ok? I see you! I am not only your wife but your friend, your partner in caring for these kids ok? No more alone. We do it together. And if you need to scream out I will be the one to hear you, if you need to hit, kick or claw at something I will be the punching bag alright? Because I love you and I want you to know you're not alone. Not anymore, not ever again"

At these words, Alma threw herself around the younger woman, sobbing softly into her neck. It was lucky the children were out on their daily walk, Y/n knew Alma didn't like to show the children her weakest moments.

Y/n continued to rub her wife's back, whispering 'i love you' and many other sweet nothings.. and for once in the old birds long life, she knew she wasn't ever going to be alone.

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