"Uh, my parents sent me most of that stuff, actually, so I'm not sure." She answered with a head shake and turning back to some paperwork on her desk, honestly not wanting this conversation to continue for longer than need be. 

Varrick swiveled his lanky body around to face her again. "Oh!" He aggressively snapped his fingers in some sort of victory. "I meant to tell you, that cabbage merchant guy and his wife absolutely adored your new advertisement ideas!" 

Korra perked up with a full smile. "Seriously! That's amazing!" She had spent a long time thinking about commercials and flyers to let people know about the new business that Varrick would probably end up investing in. 

"Yup! Good job, kid. Well time to go give my dearests a nice massage." He began to make his way out of the young woman's office when she suddenly made a remark.

"You're giving Zhu Li a massage?" Korra knew Varrick was very deeply in love with his wife, and business partner, everyone could tell. But she had never heard of him sucking up to her like that

"No you idiot, my feet! These shoes are piercing them and it's only eight in the morning! Note, sue this company for uncomfortable foot wear." 

Korra stayed silent as her boss just stood in her doorway with closed eyes and a finger pointing up. She looked around her room slowly, wondering what was supposed to be happening. Then, his hot blue eyes shot at her cold ones.

"I said make a note." 

"Oh oh right!" Korra quickly pulled out a post it note, writing something down and stuck it to her bulletin board that hung behind her. Varrick nodded in approval and finally made his way to bother some other poor employee. 

He failed to close her door as he left, Korra was so close to smacking herself on her forehead but decided she should just keep cool today and get all of the annoying stuff over with. She went to close her door when she looked out into the main room, her eyes landed on a certain raven haired woman almost instantly.

She stood impatiently at the copying and printer machine, right foot tapping on the carpet and arms crossed as she stared down at the machine. 

Korra liked the raven haired girl, but speaking truthfully she didn't really have that much to go off of to know whether she should like her or not. They didn't know each other all that well, merely considered scratching the surface of acquaintances. Korra had heard amazing things about her though, mainly her status as being heir to one of the biggest companies in probably the whole world. Varrick brags about his partnership with Future Industries quite often, but who wouldn't. Hiroshi Sato and his business are legendary. 

Her and the woman have talked maybe five or six times but very briefly and only about small things like how one of the vending machines doesn't work or how the bathroom needs more hand sanitizer. Korra wanted to get to know her better but she kind of seemed closed off, like she didn't want to be bothered when she was here. 

Understandable though. Everyone who works here could never be able to meet up to her standards, most likely.


She whipped her head to her left and saw Opal's head poking out from her office, which was sort of at a diagonal from hers but still close so it was always quite easy for them to speak to one another. 

"Check your texts!" 

Korra went back to her desk, picking up her phone to read what Opal had been talking about.

you're staring. seriously its WEIRFD

and embarrassing. she can probably feel your eyes burning her back


or go talk to her maybe ??

go you !!

The blue eyed woman opened her mouth in shock at what she had been accused of, causing her to angrily type back a response.

fuck off. 


Korra's heart raced as she spun around almost too fast which nearly caused her to lose her balance. She locked eyes with her. She was actually just there, standing right in her doorway with her hand on the knob. 

Her black hair tied down into a loose ponytail with a few strands falling besides her temples, but they still looked well kept. She wore tight red slacks that ended with black boots, a white collared button up shirt and a dark gray vest over it. Her signature purple eyeshadow and dark red lipstick finished off the look.

Fucking incredible ... how she just showed up here when we were JUST speaking about her ... 

Okay now say something!



Alright now GO-

"Sorry if I was interrupting or disturbed you." She began with an apologetic look. Her voice was so smooth and welcoming, honestly kind of contradicting considering the way she carried herself. "I was just wondering if you wanted your door open or not. I see you're the only one with it open so ... Plus it's kind of loud out here." 

Korra scratched the back of her head, mentally screaming at herself to not say some dumb shit or fall or anything like that. "Uh well yeah actually, if you don't mind closing it, um thank you!" 

So far so good ??

"No problem. See you around, Korra." She shot Korra a friendly expression and shut her door. Korra's hurt nearly jumped out of her body due to how hard it was beating. 

And now it's over.

She wanted to actual get a chance to talk to her and she blew it for herself. It's fine though, the raven haired woman was in the building very frequently, so she would have more shots. 






bo and i are going to ur place this saturday. 

its decided 

uh no u cant. remember i have construction going on in my building !! everything's a mess everywhere

if u want to drink lets go to our bar. ill tell bo

okay perfect

Korra shut her ringer off and turned her phone face down on the opposite end of her desk, now she could finally start her work for the day. She wouldn't bring herself to dwell any other distractions until at least lunch break.

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