🍁Ftm Tommy🍁

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Ftm/trans Tommy AU- (hurt/comfort)

(Tw: transphobia (Fuck dude I do not like writing transphobia)

Passing is difficult, luckily his family accepted him, they let him transition. 

But he still has a fear that no one would respect him, if the people online knew, they'd leave, they'd hate him, they'd call him rude things.

He didn't ask to be born this way. He didn't want this. It's such a struggle just to be a guy, people don't know how lucky they are just to be born with the right body parts.

But not transitioning wasn't an option either, everyday it felt so uncomfortable, he couldn't stand his own body, voice, or name. Everything was just so off, he was a boy! Why did everyone think he was a girl?

Even now it's a struggle, though he's much happier now, he still has to wear a binder, take hormone shit, and try to keep it all secret. Some people are just shitty, so many people are 'uncomfortable' with you finally being able to be you.

Most of all, he wasn't ready for today. The day he'd end up telling the person he was the most afraid of losing.


Today has been great, he's been over at Tubbo's today! He was looking at Twitter before him and Tubbo stream.

'what the fuck?'

A tweet, with a clip from my last stream. It was a two second clip, it was a second where my binder was showing from my shirt collar. God the tweet was already blowing up, with theories and people putting shit together. Fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck, FUCK.

'Guys it's starting to make sense, ever look at the old videos and notice how the voice changes? I think he might be trans?'

'Alot of stuff makes sense now'

Fuck- Hell it'll be fine, people make up shit on the internet all the time.

After that I didn't think too much of that tweet, it.'ll be fine.

Tubbo and I started the stream. The chat was all full of hellos and nice messages.



I was looking at chat for a second before I saw something that pretty much ruined my mood completely...

'You still look like a girl, you pretending to be a boy makes me uncomfortable, you should just accept that you're lesbian' (legit something someone said to me once fucking hell)

I stopped laughing, I'm trying my fucking best. This is fucking stupid. I should just end stream.

"Tommy?" Tubbo said interrupting my thoughts.

"..uh can we end stream I'm not feeling well.."


We say bye and end the stream.

"Tommy you can tell me if something's wrong" Tubbo says turning to me.

"What why w-would something be wrong I-I just don't feel too well.." god I am not good with talking about feelings, I'm gonna fucking cry I've gotta get out of this.

"Tommy c'mon I can tell something's off, what's wrong?"

"Y-you promise you w-won't be mad?" I try and say but my voice is shaky.

"Pinky promise!" Tubbo says happily but still looking concerned.

"I.. I'm- Fuck never mind" I'm trying to say it but the words just won't come out.

"Tommy it's okay you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Well I'm gonna have to fucking tell you one day, we're best friends forever right?" I'm in tears at this point.

"Of course"

"I'm.. Fuck it- I'm transgender as in I was born a girl- it's fine if you think it's weird or it makes you uncomfortable- I should just go" I stay trying to get up and leave, when Tubbo gives me a hug.

"Tommy why would that make me think differently of you? I don't understand it much but I don't care what gender you are or what gender you were, I'll always be your friend."

I'm just crying into his shoulder, god I couldn't ask for a better best friend.

AN: goddamn I wish it was possible to fully transition by 16, I'm a trans guy btw if you didn't know, not sure how good this chapter is but it's written soo...

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