Mom was out of town through Monday because her firm sent her to Springfield to oversee the opening of their new office down there, so I didn't need to worry about asking permission. It was the first time she's been away for so long, but I'm glad they're giving her more responsibilities at work. If you ask me, the place would crash and burn without her.

Once I was showered and dressed into a pair of black leggings and a random Northside Student Activities Council shirt, I began picking up around the place. It wasn't dirty per say, but my bra probably didn't need to be hanging on the back of the couch for everyone to see. I left it there to dry after doing laundry last night, and I completely forgot about it.

The perks of living in an all-girls household.

I was rummaging through the cabinets in the kitchen seeing what I could whip up quickly in case anyone was hungry, when I heard my phone ping. It was Brooke saying she couldn't make it tonight. Apparently she was driving to Michigan for her cousin's wedding this weekend.

I continued my search for food until I heard a loud knock on the door. "Coming!" I shouted.

Swinging the door open, I was greeted by Lucas's overly ecstatic face. "It is an honor to be invited to your residence, mi' lady." For an even more dramatic effect, he took my hand and kissed it.

"Gross." I shook my head as I moved aside to let him and Aiden in. Aiden merely rolled his eyes at Lucas's childish behavior. I was just about to slam the door shut when Caroline's voice rang from down the hall, "Wait for me!"

Once everyone got settled into the living room, I went to my room and grabbed my secret stash of Harry Potter movies - a Christmas present from my mom a few years ago.

I emerged from my room, holding the DVD set in my hand. "We are all gathered here today, because SOMEONE-" I paused and glared at Aiden. "has never watched Harry Potter before."

"Oh boy!" Caroline chuckled.

"Now, in my opinion J.K Rowling created this masterpiece so that it can be shared with others." I continued. "Even if you haven't watched the movies, there is no acceptable reason as to why you should not have read the books. Were you kidnapped as a child, is that why?"

Yes, I believe myself to be a Potterhead.

A smile tugged at the corner of Aiden's lips. "Please, bless me with your knowledge." He motioned for me to put the DVD in and start the movie.

After setting up the movie, I situated myself on the loveseat next to Caroline and was about to press play when I forgot about the food. "Is anyone hungry?" I asked looking around.

Everyone shook their head no, and so I proceeded to press play.

Halfway through the movie, both Caroline and Lucas were on their phone not paying attention to what was happening on the screen one bit. Aiden however, was engrossed in Hermione Granger trying to correct Ron on his Wingardium Leviosa.

My stomach had also began growling so I took this as an opportunity to put some Pizza in the oven. As I was circling around the kitchen, I heard someone clear their throat.

Turing around, I see Aiden leaning against the counter. He had positioned himself in such a way that he could still see the movie but also keep me company.

"I hope you like Pepperoni." I smiled as I turned on the oven.

"Anything BUT pineapple is good on pizza." He chuckled.

I nodded in agreement. "Are you finally ready to admit that you missed out on a great childhood because you never read any of the Harry Potter books or watched the movies?"

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