He saw Toshi in the car, he was in the back, he looked embarrassed. Kai knocked on the window. Toshi looked up and said something to the man up front. The doors unlocked and Kai went inside. It smelt like, Man Oder. Kai covered his nose and sat down. "H-hey Kai." He said akwardly. "hi." he mumbled. "So You're the girl Toshi's been talking about! I'm his dad I volunteered keep an eye on you two!" Kaito said quite loudly.

Kai passed. First, he called him a girl. Second, he's here to watch them. Last, He's loud as hell! Kai looked at Toshi who was sweating. "You told him I was a GIRL!?" Kai yelled and smacked him on the head. "I'm sorry, it was the only way i could take you on a date.." He mumbled. "Wait so you're not a girt?" Kaito spoke up. "My p-parents aren't ready to know I'm bisexual.." he whispered to Kai.

"I don't care anymore can we just get moving already? I wanna get out of this smelly car.." Kai crossed his legs and arms.

Time skippy

Yuki was walking to Kai's house to drop something off, he knocked on the door and waited patiently for someone to answer. Kokichi opened the door and smiled. "Hi Yuki, Kai's not here right now." She said. "Oh yeah I know, I just stopped by to drop this off." He held out a fake golden flower. "I found when I was cleaning my room, I remembered giving it to Kai." Yuki explained.

"Wow, it's pretty." Kokichi took the flower from his hands. "Is something wrong Yuki?" Kokichi asked looking at the boy in concern. "W-What do you mean?" He hesitated. "You look upset, also you're not acting like yourself." She pointed out with a soft frown. "Do you wanna come inside?" She opened the door more. "Okay." Yuki walked inside quickly.

"Sit down." She pointed to the couch, he nodded and sat down like she said. "Shuichi's gonna be home in a little bit." She whispered looking out the window. She looked at Yuki and sat down. "So what's getting you down?" She asked. "Well, I-it's kinda a long story. Actually it's not that long." Yuki looked down at his lap. "Tell me." She started to kick her legs.

"The thing is, I like Kai." He started. "But I know he doesn't feel the same way.. I want to get over him but I can't, and now that he rarely hangs out with me I can't help but think about him more! It's really annoying.." Yuki spat out. Kokichi nodded slowly. "I'm not sure what do in a situation like this... hmm." She put he thumb on her lip. "Maybe you should do something you like! To get your mind of things." She suggested.

"I guess." He looked up. "Don't you like playing video games? Do that." She smiled. "But I tried that already, it won't work cause Kai usually plays with me.." He mumbled. "Oh, well I don't know how to help you." She sighed. Kokichi got up and walked to the kitchen, she came back with a box of cookies. "Here have some cookies." She offered handing him the box of chocolate chip cookies.

"Oh thank you." He thanked opening the box. Then the front door opened to see Shuichi coming home from work. "Hello." He said before he spotted Yuki sitting on the couch with cookies stuffed in his mouth. "Welcome home Shu." Kokichi smiled. "Hello Mr. Shuichi." Yuki covered his mouth not to be rude. Shuichi nodded and walked to the table to put opdown his bag. "Where's Kai?" He asked. "Don't you remember? He went on a date today." Kokichi said.

"What?" He questioned in confusion. "He didn't tell you? Oh boy." She scratched the back of her head. Yuki looked down. "Then why is Yuki here?" Shuichi asked. "I dropped off something for Kai." Yuki explained. "Why are you still here then?" Shuichi asked again. "Shush Shuichi you sound rude!" Kokichi squeaked. "It's fine, uh I was having a conversation with Mrs. Ouma." He mumbled.

"Oh okay." He smiled kindly. Yuki went back to eating cookies. "These are really good cookies Mrs. Ouma." Yuki said. "Thank you I got them from Walmart." She responded.

Time skippy

All Shuichi, Kokichi and Yuki had been getting to know each other. Since he was Kai's friend and only friend. At the moment they were going through family photos. "This ones when Shuichi and Kai went to the woods, that's where Shuichi put him in a tree causing him to fall and break his arm on a rock." Kokichi explained pointing at a photo of Kai on Shuichis shoulders, they were behind the woods like Kokichi described it.

"Oh." Yuki whispered. "That's where he developed his fear of heights, and it's all Shuichis fault." She glared at the other. "It was an accident! I didn't think he would fall!" Shuichi whimpered. "Oh this is one where Kai was a baby, he didn't like getting his pictures taken." She pointed to a small blurry photo of Kai hitting the camera. "Oh ahah." Yuki chuckled. "Look! This was Kai and you at the park." She smiled.

A photo of Kai throwing a stick a Yuki, in the back was a colorful playground. "I remember that." He mumbled. "Shuichi you should've told Kai to stop picking up sticks! He threw five of them at poor Yuki!" Kokichi said. "I don't know what I was doing..." Shuichi mumbled in disappointment. "Kai can be kinda mean." Yuki admitted.

"Hey, when did you start developing feeling for Kai?" Kokichi turned her head to Yuki. Shuichi shot his head up. "O-Oh uh when we were 10." He muttered. "Wha-." "Oh that's nice." Kokichi smiled. "Wait! What's going on?" Shuichi asked confused. "You like Kai? Why didn't anyone tell me?" He spatted out. "Oh saihara, I just found out today when Yuki got here. He looked upset so I decided to talk to him, he wants to get over Kai." Kokichi explained.

"Oh." Shuichi was dumbfounded. "Do you have any advise Mr. Shuichi?" Yuki asked desperately. "Well, I'm not that good in relationship advice. Just tell him, if he rejects you then that's fine everyone has felt pain before." Shuichi shrugged. "That's really helpful thank you." Yuki smiled. Than all there attention went to the front door open.


Kai got out of Toshi's car and speed walked to the front door, he wasn't very fond of the date he just had. Heck this was his first date, he never was so disappointed. First, Toshi's dad had stayed ruining every little moment. Also it seemed that his dad didn't like him cause he kept giving him glares (sorry for the Kaito stans) His dad wasn't very happy when he found Kai was boy.

Kai groaned. 'it was sucky date, even Yuki could do better.' Kai though, he unlocked the door. To his surprise he saw Yuki sitting with his parents. "Oh his Kai! You're back." Kokichi got up and walked towards Kai. "How'd your date go?" She asked in curiosity. "It sucked, why the hell is Yuki here?" Kai said sorta irritated. "He just stopped by to drop something off, then he stayed to chat." Kokichi explained.

Yuki was trying not to make eye contact with Kai. Yeah that didn't work he couldn't keep his eyes off Kai's outfit. "Well, I have to work on detective work." Shuichi said getting up and going to his office room. "Okay see you later." Kokichi waved. Kai walked to his room, he looked over at Yuki motioning him to come with him.

Yuki got up and stumbled towards Kai's room. Kokichi quickly handed him the box he brought. "Good luck." She whispered. "Thanks." Yuki mumbled, he entered Kai's room.

Hey, I have discord like it's important but- crusty pancakes#2485
I just need someone to talk to, all my friends on there are offline ;-;

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