Back with the boys

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"Alright this honey moon was great but I really need to see my linguini's" George laughed.

"Me too." You smiled.

You and George had done some more traveling before it was time to go heard back. But George was right, the honey moon was great but the both of you really missed your children.

You two apparated back to your home and immediately hurried over to the door.

You opened the door and set down your bags walking over to the nursery where the babies were chilling and Molly was sitting an watching.

"Hello." Yo greeted picking up archer.

"Thanks for watching them mom but you look like you could use some sleep."

"I really could. They are just like you and Fred I swear."


"Oh no." You sighed

"What?" Molly asked.

"That is a good sign."

"Hogwarts will have 3 generations of trouble makers. The marauders me and George and of course the one and only Archer and Remus. Don't you think it's funny the school will have two Remus' that are or were trouble?"

"Oh George." You laughed.

"I'm not even kidding I'm so proud." He smiled.

"George please don't cry."

"I'm not going to cry I swear just give me a minute-" he paused wiping away fake tears "alright I'm good."

The baby's began to cry shortly after Molly left. George went to go get formula but it didn't help them and nothing else you could do stopped them.

"Oh no." You huffed


"We might have to make a investment." You sighed. "Here stay with the boys I'll be right back." You said rushing out the door and apparating in front of a rental car zone. You bought a car for the night and drove home.

"Alright let's load them up."


"Put them in the car with their seats."

You and George put Remus and archer into the car and began to drive which quieted them down.

"Shit!' You whisper yelled.

"We're going to have to buy a car." You exclaimed and sighed in defeat.

"Hey it's alright it's not a big deal."

"They're expensive George."

"That's no problem darling. We have some money saved up and the joke shop is doing well. We don't need a super great and beautiful one. Just one for our boys so they can sleep."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure." He picked your hand up and kissed it before holding it in his hand.

So the two of you bought a car and thank Merlin you did because the boys were not letting down. They were not falling asleep without being in the car.

"Finally." You exclaimed after you and George finally got the boys from the car to the crib without waking them.

"I love them dearly but they are such trouble."

"That's what you get." You laughed at him.

"What do you mean."

"I mean that you caused lots of problems for molly and now your getting them back tenfold."

"Hahah very funny." George glared but have you a small smile.

"I think it was funny."

As the boys got older so did their movement skills.

"Did you hear that?" You asked George from the couch.

"Yea it was like a thump from their room."

You jumped up and bolted to the door. There the twins sat on the floor with a smile on their faces.

"Did the twins-" George started

"Crawl out of the cribs. Yes. I think they did."

You picked up Remus and George picked archer up and you set them back in their beds.

You left the room

"You ok." George asked

"No our children are devil spawns that make me think they killed them selves every 5 minutes."

George laughed and hugged you. You kissed him and returned back to the couch where you flopped down and put on a show. Apparently the two of you passed out there because in the morning you were awoken by small giggles.

You looked up to see that Remus and archer has once again made their way out of the crib and scooted all the way over to the couch.

You groaned and woke George up.


"Crap George we have to plan their birthday soon." You said and walked over to the stove getting eggs out of the fridge.

You frowned though. It made you sad.

"You alright love?" George asked pulling bacon out
of the fridge.

"I'm just a little sad. They are already almost a year old in a week. It feels like just yesterday they were little babies."

"It's ok love. They still are babies just a year old."

"Yea but then they are 2 then 3 then before you know it 7!"

"Oh no not 7!" George laughed

"I don't want them to get old."

"Think of it like when they get older we can do more things with them."


You were still upset but you figured it would pass.

You planned their birthday party and figured out what gifts you would give them.

You figured you would but them some little brooms that barely rose off the ground. The thought still scared you. If they could get out of the crib then they could cause some trouble with the brooms. You assumed these things were set in stone though they're dad was George Weasley and their uncle was Fred weasley.

A/n: I'm back! I guess kind of. I'm sorry for the short chapter but I've been working on it forever and was just in a rut.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Mar 03, 2021 ⏰

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Weasley Bliss part two (a George Weasley x reader"Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz