"What do you mean by that?"

"I'm just a bit worried about you, is all, and I-"

"Fundy," Tubbo interrupted bluntly, and the older's mouth shut with an audible click. Tubbo realized his tone was harsher than he meant it to be, and he sighed heavily before pasting a smile on his face to show he wasn't angry with the other. "I appreciate the concern, but how I feel isn't what's important right now,"

"Yes, it is," Fundy tried to argue, but Tubbo raised a hand, and he fell silent.

"We have more pressing matters on our hands," Fundy crossed his arms over his chest and frowned deeply.

"Like what?" He asked, and Tubbo shook his head slightly before gesturing to the halls around him with his arms.

"Like running this damn country," Tubbo stated. "That much should be obvious to you, Fundy," The younger's frown deepened, and he looked the other up and down with a critical stare. "Are you sure you're alright?" Fundy nodded slowly and looked away.

"I'm fine," Tubbo didn't look pleased but nodded all the same, and they began to walk once more. After Fundy realized Tubbo was heading towards the building's entrance, his confusion rose. "You're not going to rest a bit?" Tubbo glanced at him over his shoulder as they approached the door.

"No, I have something I want to do first," Tubbo reached for the knob and opened it without a problem. He stepped out into the morning's cool air. Fundy continued to follow him until they reached the main wooden pathway. Tubbo paused and faced the older male again. "Is there something else you need?" He asked in a more curious than annoyed tone. Fundy was looking past him, his brown eyes fixed on the walls that were still being torn down. Tubbo followed his gaze as he waited for the fox to respond. "Fundy?" He asked, hoping it would prompt the other to speak up.

"Tubbo," He began, and the teen hummed softly in acknowledgment. "Has he come to you at all, lately?" Tubbo shot a confused look at Fundy, but the other's eyes were still looking blankly at the walls. It took a moment before Tubbo's furrowed brow smoothed out, and his eyebrows rose behind his bangs as understanding filled his expression. The young president looked back to the wall as well with a small shake of his head.

"No, he hasn't," Tubbo ran a hand through his hair. "I'm a bit concerned about what should entail for us... if I'm being honest," Fundy nodded with a blank expression. "Do you know something, Fundy?" Tubbo asked carefully and turned to face the fox. Fundy closed his eyes and inhaled deeply through his nose before opening them again and side-eyed the shorter.

"No," He finally said. "I'm just concerned, is all. We both know what that psycho is capable of, after all," He added when Tubbo seemed unsatisfied with his answer. The young man nodded silently and walked further down the pathway. "What do I say when someone comes looking for you?" He called to the boy's retreating form.

"They'll live without me for a bit," Tubbo waved a hand over his shoulder without turning around. Fundy laughed, but his smile fell as he watched the younger continue down the path.


Dream wasn't sure what to make of Ghostbur. Tommy had told him he was an old friend of sorts but didn't delve deeper into the subject, and Dream hadn't bothered asking. The spirit was very kind and had even told him he suffered from a sort of memory loss as well. Dream did his best to take it all in stride despite wanting to question nearly everything.

He could tell Tommy was beginning to get overwhelmed sometime in the early afternoon, so he tried his best to dial back on asking so many things. Tommy answered quite a few of his questions as best as he could, and in return, Dream tried his best to piece the information Tommy gave him together.

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