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"i kept pouring
every ounce of love,
and every bit
of emotion I had,
all I wanted
was for you
to appreciate that."


"I just don't understand why they changed the script," Kyle spoke while Bobby squatted and the rest of the Undisputed Era stood around and waited for our own turn at the lift. We were at the Performance Center, getting a good lift in before we moved on into the ring for the second workout of the day.

I couldn't say I was actually listening to the guy, though. Someone else was on my mind.

Salem was on the other side of the building, currently on the rower while she listened to music through her headphones. I had watched her walk in only a few minutes prior and I hadn't been able to take my eyes off of her ever since.

Her dark hair flowed effortlessly in her ponytail as her exposed arms and legs contracted during her movements. My eyes wandered around her body as I remembered what it felt like in my hands.

"—it just doesn't make any sense. Adam? Dude, are you even listening?" Kyle's words shook me of my thoughts, my attention turning towards him. He had not been happy with my transgressions lately. Salem was taking up a lot of my time and the idea that she would be joining the Undisputed Era was music to my ears, but not to his.

"Yeah—" I stuttered, trying to act like I hadn't been ignoring his entire conversation. "I don't know why our script was changed, either."

Though I gave it my best effort, Kyle's disappointed glare told me all I needed to know.

"Adam, quit staring at Salem for five fucking minutes and get the rest of your life in check," he cursed. Kyle could round up quite the temper, and I could tell that I was only angering him more.

Sighing, I knew he was right. I have been allowing Salem to take up all of my thoughts rather than giving my friends the time they deserved. I stood up straight, giving him the sincere look he deserved. "You're right, I'm sorry," I apologized. "I'm all ears."

Kyle's brown eyes furrowed as he rubbed his chin. "Hunter has had this in the script for months," Kyle explained. "We were supposed to lose the tornado tag against SaNiTy to culminate and end the story. Now, we're supposed to win again? That's not storytelling."

I had heard about the script change that would be taking place during tapings tomorrow, but I can't say I put that much thought into it. But, Kyle was right. Hunter isn't one for ending a storyline like that.

It was my turn to be confused. "Yeah, that really doesn't make sense—" I spoke, turning back towards Salem. I had to admit, it was beginning to be a bad habit of mine to watch her from across the Performance Center.

I had a girlfriend at home; an amazing woman who was not only a doctor in dentistry but also a professional wrestler, whom puts me over everything. Yet, here I was, completely infatuated with a woman whom has dismissed me for over a year.

Then the idea occurred to me.

"Salem," I croaked, answering Kyle's question.

"What?" Kyle asked. "I thought you just agreed to forget about her for just a few minutes, dude—"

"No," I interrupted him, turning back towards him. I was growing annoyed with his distaste towards the girl who had done nothing to him. Salem Dawn minded her own business and didn't inject herself into anyone else's. But, my attention on her did cause some problems in Kyle's mind.

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