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"if I lived forever
I would spend that forever
searching for the soul I found in you."


I walked into Hunter's office with Kyle by my side. Bobby and Roddy had already arrived, and I knew Salem was here because I saw her black Charger in the parking lot.

I knew how much she loved that car. No matter where we were going, she had wanted to drive with us in it. She spoke out on how she hadn't grown up with much, which I knew. That car is everything to her, because it proves that she beat where she came from.

I had always admired how strong and persevering she was.

However, I had to admit, I didn't want to see her. I was angry; Britt was gone and now Salem would be, too. She had crossed a line saying that I wasn't hurt about Britt leaving. I loved Britt.

Salem was always pushing me away and the moment she doesn't she jeopardized the entire group. Kyle was right, she couldn't be on the Undisputed Era anymore. I couldn't be around her, I was stupid when I was.

Basically, in my five stages of my grief after the breakup, I was still in anger. I didn't just go through one, but two, breakups and it turned out that neither girl really cared about me after all.

I guess it was hypocritical of me to be upset, but I didn't care.

Kyle knocked on the door and opened upon Hunter's request. Inside, I saw my two other group mates along with Salem already seated. Immediately, I grew annoyed.

Salem looked perfect. Not a hair was out of place on her head. Her eyes weren't bloodshot from crying and she presented herself like a professional. Yet, here I was, with dark circles under my eyes and a bird's nest of hair in a messy bun. I still sported a heavy hangover from the alcohol I drank the night before.

Why wasn't Salem feeling the way I was? She was the one who kissed me? She was the reason I couldn't keep Britt.

"Kyle, Adam," Hunter greeted. I nodded, turning away from Salem. "Please, sit down."

Salem took a deep breath and shifted uncomfortably in her seat as Kyle sat next to her, not looking in her direction. I sat next to my blonde friend, awaiting Hunter to start the meeting.

He raised his hand with a questioning brow. "I can sense some tension. Can I ask what the hell is going on?"

Salem looked at Kyle, waiting for him to start. It had been his idea, after all. Kyle cleared his throat, "we wanted to request on behalf of the UE and Salem Dawn that we remove Salem from the group at the earliest opportunity creative sees fit."

Hunter look shocked. I couldn't blame him, I wouldn't have seen that coming, either. "You guys were so adamant on her being in the group," he began. "Now you want her out?"

"That's right," Kyle nodded, steadfast.

Hunter's eyes scanned all of us, starting with Salem. When he got to me, I knew he knew this was because of me. "This was a collective decision?"

"Yes, it was," Kyle again spoke. He was as still as a statue. I saw Salem swallow as she refrained from speaking.

"I wasn't asking you," Hunter countered, finding Salem's eyes once again. "I'm asking you."

"He's right," she nodded to Kyle. Her voice seemed distant as she spoke, but still strong. Hunter looked unconvinced, and Salem continued. "My joining of the Undisputed Era occurred due to an off-script act was fulfilled. The UE has won the tag belts and have four strong men to fight for the rest in the company. I'm not needed, anymore."

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