SEVEN: State of Distress

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Mal jumped out of her sleep, her heart beating rapidly in her chest. Looking around frantically, she found herself in the bedroom in the palace that she shared with Ben. Slowly, heart rate settled as she tried to calm herself down. It was only a dream, but it felt so real.

Sighing, Mal got up from the bed and began to prepare herself for the long day ahead. After yesterday's events with Ursula, Mal knew that today was going to be filled with a round of meetings and debates that would drive her up a wall. She was silently asking whoever was up there for the strength and patience to get through this day.

"Morning," Ben said to her, his voice still groggy from sleep. The king entered the bathroom where the future queen was brushing her hair.

But his fiancé smiled nonetheless, "Hi."

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. I'm still feeling uneasy about everything, but I'm doing a lot better physically."

"It was a lot, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was. I mean, I knew Ursula was strong but I had no idea she was that strong," commented Mal. "And Evie used her magic in public for the first time."

"I know it took a lot for her to do that," agreed Ben, though he still had something he's been wondering about "But why was Helena so out of it?"

"It was in the middle of the day, so she can't use shadows. And she can't make flowers grow out of thin air."

"So what can she do?"

"That's complicated," answered the dark fairy as she began to style her hair. "Her powers are a combination of Hades and Persephone as their daughter, like how she can bring dead flowers back to life. And she has some extra powers that come from her status as Hades' daughter and Princess of the Underworld."

"Like the Furies obeying her," Ben responded, though his words were gurgled due to the toothbrush in his mouth.

"Exactly," Mal said, putting down the brush as she finished styling her hair. "But it would've helped to have her out there with us yesterday."

The king was quick to notice the look on the dark fairy's face. "What's that look for?"

"I wonder if yesterday is going to work against us," she admitted. "We've gotten so far and I don't want that to all come to an end."

"I know it's been hard, Mal-"

Ben began and then placed one of his hands on top of hers. The rest of the king's words fell on deaf eyes as Mal inhaled sharply. Her surroundings had changed to one that she unfortunately recognized. Auradon looked as dark and destroyed as it was in her dream, sending a chill down her spine. And just as in her dream, she could see a blue light floating in the distance. It was practically calling out to her, beckoning her to come forth. "Mal..."


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