Happy Birthday Severus! Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Tell me" you said raising your eyebrows.

"It's just odd" he said "I have never had a birthday gift"

You looked shocked, how could have have never had a birthday gift. The ring which you had gifted him lay on the table. You gave him a hug the best you could as he sat on his chair.

"I'm sorry you have never had a birthday gift" you said, kissing him gently on the head. "But next year I will get you even more things" You kissed his head again. "Now eat something"

Severus got up from the chair and hugged you back, he clung to you, like he never wanted to let go. You couldn't really breathe but after a short while, he put you down and smiled. Going over to the desk he picked the ring up and slipped it back on his finger. He unwrapped the pie and took a bite, sitting down at his desk he began to mark essays.

"Would you like a coffee?" you asked, going towards the kitchen area.

"Yes please" he said.

As you got his coffee ready, you also got his other gift-ready. It was a book, a muggle cookbook. Severus loved to cook, which seemed from his love for potion-making. It was a large Gordon Ramsey cookbook. Making sure it was okay you put it back into its hiding spot and brought the coffee out and placed it in front of him.

"Hey, mister" you said. "No marking"

Severus looked at you confused.

"It's your Birthday" you said. "You don't mark on your birthday"

"Then what do I do?" he askes.

"Spend time with me?" you ask.

"That sounds satisfactory," he said and stood. "Were where we from this morning?" he asked "Oh yes"

He backed you to a wall and kissed you gently on the lips, teasing you gently. with one hand he took your hips and the other hand he rested on the wall. You took his robed in your hands, bringing him closer to him.

"My perfect Kitten" he whispered into your lips. "I love you and your gifts"

"I'm glad" you mumbled.

There was suddenly a knock on the door. Severus in one movement sat down again and you went to the door and opened it.

"Hello Williamson" you said "Come in"

Severus huffed slightly. "What do you want Williamson?" he asked slightly irritated.

"You said I had detention at the last part of lunch" he said.

"Oh yes I did" Severus said. "Sit and read this"

Severus threw a textbook at him. "Read from page five" he said.

The book veered off course and was going to hit the floor. You caught it and placed it in front of the student. "Did you not do the work?" you asked

"No, but Draco was distracting me!" he said.

"(y/n) don't humour him" Severus called.

"I wasn't" you said.

"May I have another coffee?" Severus asked. "Seeing as you insist that I shouldn't mark on my birthday"

"Yes master" you said jokingly. "Hey Williamson do you want anything to drink"

Severus smirked slightly at the name you called him and watched as you nodded to Williamson wanting a tea.

"Is it your birthday sir?" Williamson asked

"What is it to you?" Severus asked, still watching you.

"I just want to wish you a happy birthday" you said. "And I agree with Professor (y/n)"

"On what?" he said, his eyes finally looking at the boy.

"You shouldn't mark on your birthday." he said  "Like I wouldn't want to do school work on mine"

"Told you Sev" you called. "10 points to Hufflepuff for that Williamson!"

Severus shook his head

"You give house points so freely," Severus said as you put a mug down. "I do" you said, putting it down in front of the student. "But you know what I enjoy it"

"This boy is in for detention" Severus drawled. "You seem to be making it a spar (y/n), I wouldn't be surprised if you brought out a four-course meal for Williamson here"

You playfully pocked Severus, rolling your eyes at his comment. 

Students started to file in for the next lesson. You took the finished cup of the student and put it in the kitchen and left the dungeons.

You met Severus at dinner. He seemed cheerful. Williamson had spread the news that it was his birthday and many students wished him one. At first, he was a bit standoffish about it, not sure how to react, however, he soon began to nod or even say thanks to those students who said it.

"Happy Birthday Severus," McGonigal said. She slid a package over to him.

Severs smiled weakly and nodded as a thanks.

"The gift is from the whole staff team" she said.

Severus put it onto the floor and carried on eating.

"Severus says thanks for the gift" you said to Flitwick.

"I'm glad he appreciates it"

Soon dinner was over and together you went down the dungeons. The teachers had got him a box of wine. Severus brought one out and opened it. You got two glasses and he filled them up.

"Oh I have my other gift" you said, and getting up you went to the cupboard.

Severus opened it and smiled. "A cookbook" he stated.

"It's a muggle one" you said "Gordon Ramsey is a famous chef in the muggle world"

"Is he now?" he asked and flipped the book over to read the back. "Thank you" he said and kissed your cheek.

"The wine is delicious" you said

Severus poured another glass for himself and leaned back in the chair sighing in relaxation. You looked at him with love in your eyes and snuggled up into his shoulder.

"This has been a nice day" he said.

"I tried to make it special" you said.

Severus kissed you gently. He put his glass down and took you into his arms, kidding your neck.

"Severus" you giggle "Let me out my wine down first" Severus stopped and you put your glass on the table next to the sofa.

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