The girls then pull up to a pretty big house. "Where are we?" Hyejoo asks softly.

"Ah you finally talked!" Jennie cheers. "This is my house I hated life in the dorms so with some help from my parents I got my own place."

They were pretty surprised how nonchalantly Jennie spoke about it as if the house wasn't huge. Jennie reveals her family owns many companies and she hopes to own her own fashion company one day. A few seconds later the three girls pull up.

"Big house!" Hyunjin yells out.

"Wait till you get inside." Jisoo says.

They all walk in pretty excited. Jennie guides them all to her spacious kitchen which sorta looked like a bar. Jennie serves everyone shots. "Jiwoo you first." She says. Jiwoo chuckles and drinks it in half a second then squints from the burning sensation in her throat.

"Jesus that's strong." She clears her throat. "You guys go!" She turns to them. Sooyoung, Jinsoul and Jennie take a shot. After seeing their friends everyone else does except for Hyejoo who was a little unsure.

"If you don't drink it I will." Lisa says.

"No no cmon let her have her shot! Have you done this before?" Rosé asks.

"N-No but I've had like... Wine before." Hyejoo responds.

"You don't have to you know?" Gowon pats her on the back.

Hyejoo would've backed down but she hated being the odd one out. She looks at the shot then takes a deep breath in before having it. All the girls instantly start cheering and Hyejoo begins laughing. She hated the taste but it felt nice having everyone proud of her. "Can I have another one?" Hyejoo asks causing everyone to laugh even more from the unexpected response.

"Hey don't even worry girly! We got everything you want here." Lisa replies while Jennie's already serving up a second shot for everyone.

"Let's not overdue it. Don't you all have a play tomorrow? I don't want to see throwing up on stage." Jisoo says.

"Don't worry! Just one more and we're done." Lisa says.

Fast forward another hour later and the girls are pretty drunk. Two shots were already a lot but some had four.

"Heejin!" Hyunjin says while they dance to music Jiwoo put on. "Your arms... your arms are so hot!"

"Look at this babe!" Heejin smirks and begins flexing her muscles.

"Oh god." Hyunjin falls down.

Meanwhile Jiwoo's roommate and Yeojin were dancing hand in hand and yelling. "You girls about to kiss or what?" Jungeun says which grabs Sooyoung and Jinsoul.

"Kiss?" Sooyoung says.

"No way! I mean she's pretty..." Yeojin turns to her. "No I don't know... know! I don't know how to kiss!"

"It's easy!" Jinsoul says. "Sooyoung cmere!" Sooyoung laughs and goes over. They give each other a quick kiss. Yeojin's eyes widened since they kissed in front of Jungeun. She was doubled the shocked when Jungeun yelled out "My turn!" and kissed Sooyoung... In front of Jinsoul. Though her mind was extremely clouded to really process it.

She turns back to the roommate and lifts her brows. Yeojin didn't have a crush on her but just wanted to kiss her for no reason. Little did she know Yerim had been watching them. She was with Gowon, Hyejoo and the four others. They didn't notice but Yerim just watched them kiss then watched Yeojin smiling into the kiss. It didn't cross her mind Yeojin and that roommate probably didn't know each other well. In her mind they looked in love. Once the song ends Jennie gets everyone's attention.

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