"What should we have today?"

Glancing back at Nyx, she stares back at me with wide eyes.

"Yea you're right some toast sounds good I was thinking the same thing."

Reaching my bare arm out in front of me while raising back on to my tippy toes momentarily to receive the bread from the basket.

Going through the process of steps to make my toast, I then open my fridge, feeling the cool air hit my skin and send trickles down my back and arms.

When I spot the fruits that I want I take them into my hand and out of the fridge, on to the counter next to my toast. Placing them in a small bowl so I don't have to deal with the juice at the bottom of the container leaving my fingers all sticky.

Deciding last minute that I didn't want butter on my toast, I grab an avocado along with a knife and begin to slice it in half.

As the fruit begins to fall in two pieces I use the half lacking the pit and hover it above my two pieces of toast, squeezing the shell so the contents inside squish out onto the desired destination.

I was too lazy and hungry to bother spreading it with the knife already in my hand.

Cleaning up the minimal mess I made on the counter and grabbing my plate of food, popping a water in my other hand, I hear my phone begin to ring from the other room.

I quicken my pace in hopes of getting to the phone before the dial tone.

Once in my room, placing down the plate of food and bottle of water, I unplug my phone from the charger and answer it, lifting it to my ear.


"Hey Ali, it's Kim, are you still in the fashion business?"

This is random coming from her.
I haven't gotten a call from her in ages.

"Uh yea actually, I got a job up at Brayley's a while back, on and off job opportunities just random ones that require me to travel when needed."

"Oh perfect! Are you by any chance free today?"

Letting out a laugh of irony at the situation, I answer her. "Great timing to call, I am for like the first time in a while. Why do you need me to stitch something up for you? Work on a piece? I'd be happy to help."

I hear a short chuckle on the other side of the line, "Something a little more urgent than that actually, ever heard of the band Aurora? They've got a show tonight and their stylist quit this morning-"

My heart stopped and I'm pretty sure I involuntarily stopped breathing.

If this is going where I think it is then, I don't know, that's just too crazy to think about.

I've worked with people of this status before.

But this was different, I mean they're a group of guys known by everyone, not to leave out they're
extremely attractive as well. I couldn't imagine even being in their presence.

"-we didn't have her under a contract since she was supposedly a trusted friend, we would just need you for the weekend until we can find a permanent replacement for the rest of the tour. We would cover the costs of everything if you were just able to get down here, you won't have time to physically make anything but you should have just enough time to go out and find things to put together."

I don't see why I couldn't do it, if they really needed me that bad then I should help right?

"Uh yea yea let me get ready and get going if you need me. Where are you?"

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