•Part19• Utopia???

Start from the beginning


Batman's POV

Myself Megan Hank and Richard backed away as Constance took over fight the witch boy. We helped round up the villains and sealed up the hole as everyone. The villains included looked upwards to see a battle like no other take place between my daughter and the boy. "Man. She's gotten more powerful" Conner said "It's not just power. When I visited her on Fangornia. She. She was different. She's been training since she got there. Everyday. Non stop. She's learned how to control and harness her powers to the pint of perfection. She's learned new fighting techniques that no one has seen. She's become a warrior never mind a Hero" Megan said "she's really has changed" Richard comments. "She has. In a lot of ways." I answer back soon we saw a bright red and white flame hit Klarion. We faced over to see where he had fallen to see a monster crater there. Inside at the center was the witch boy but he wasn't moving. Myself and Megan raced down to him as Constance floated above looking down at the boy with an expression that not even I could read. "Batman. " Megan said and I looked at her she had a face as if saying he was dead. I checked his pulse in three different spots. But he was gone. "He's dead" I announce and I hear faint gasps behind me "YOU VILE CHILD!! YOU KILLED HIM!!! YOUVE KILLED AND NOW YOURE TAINTED LIKE US AHAHAHAHAHAH" yelled the joker and the other villains announced tenor distaste as well but it wasn't that that shocked us. It's what my daughter said back that had us and the villains scared. "Be glad I do not end your lives now as well. You villains have no place in this world anymore. Instead a new age and era will begin. My era will begin. Today has shown me just how far you vile people will go to ruin this planet. But no more. A new Dawn shall rise. And in this Dawn. Utopia will awaken" Constance said "what the hell does that mean!?" Wonder Woman asked as we took a stance and got ready for whatever happened.
"Order must prevail. Peace must take over. And I will be the one to make it happen. I have finally realized how much energy is wasted fighting these. These.... THESE VILE CREATIRE OF EVIL!!! GOOD AND EVIL MUST DIE. IN YHEIR DEATH PEACE WILL RISE!! UTOPIA WILL RISE!! No longer will innocent people suffer. No longer will earth suffer!! " she tells and ina. Blinding light of fire. She vanished.
"Batman. What just happened?" Superman asked "I don't know. Klarion must have said something to her" Megan stated and we turned to her "what does that mean Martian" Harley Quinn asked "I could feel her anger. He said something to her to make her snap. I could sense her frustration and her anger. Her hate for evil. It was so powerful. "She said "Klarion wanted to create a world of chaos with the crystals "ivy announced and we all looked at her.  "Ivy. Shut it!" Joker said "no. We must tell them" Savage said "tell us what. " Hank said back "The witch boy wanted to use the crystal to create a world were evil won. Where chaos reigned over everything. Where villains were on top. He wanted a world of evil. " Savage said "that must be what triggered Constance. Him sayin that must have triggered something in her" Rachel said "yeah but what? She was fine yesterday" Gar said "but what about when she was gone. She was in that big battle
Right? On her home planet. What if she went through something tramatizing and maybe after she got over it hearing what Klarion said could have triggered that event" Tim explained "hang on" I state and call up her grandparents
"Batman? What is it?" The king asked "it's Constance. She's gone mad. She's talking about removing hood and evil. Making a utopia. Removing villains from earth. All this talk about finally seeing how much energy is wasted on this fight" I explain. "We want to know why she's doing that. Did something happen over there that's caused her to suddenly trigger here and go off?" Wonder Woman asked and the king and queen sighed before nodding. "During the fight to get our homeland back. Our enemy shouted at Constance how he would burn our home. Burn our people and kill us all. And make her watch while he did unspeakable evil vile things to everyone. Constance and our enemy were evenly matched. They had the same powers. But she knew how to use them better. When he shouted those things. Something in her snapped. She went into overprotective mode and started to speak of a utopia that would happen upon his death. She killed him in the most brutal fashion ever seen. It was horrible. When we finally got to her she was on the ground. Dazed. Almost in a trance like state as she mumble about a utopia.  No more evil. Just peace. She kept saying "why. Why do we have to fight. I just want it to end. I just want the fighting to end. I'm so tired" and then she passed out. We took her to our healers and they think what triggered her was the amount of evil she felt in that moment. When we told them what she wa saying. They said that there could be only one explanation. And that was taht her mind body and soul were so tired of the fight between good and evil. Of fighting in general that her own powers were forming its own conscious in order to protect her. That it was really saying these things to protect Constance. We had asked if that had ever happened in our history before and it had. Once before. Over three centuries ago and that the woman and fallen into. A deep sleep which she never came out of.
This is now the second time. And now Constance is doing this again. You must find her and stop her before something happens to her. You must snap her out of the trance she's in" ten queen said and we said our goodbyes. "You're all going to help us" I stated to the villains. They were quiet for a minute "fine. But only because of Constance. What is happening to her isn't safe for anyone" Savage said and we nodded and took them torbe base but with blindfolds so they couldn't actually know were it was.
"Batman. What are we going to do? We don't even know where to look for her" Artemis asked as we all gathered around "you're right we don't. But what we do need to do is figure out a way to snap her out of this trance. " I say "it will not be easy this will be a fight. But we must work together. As much as we all hate that. We must do it" I say and they all nod "look as villains we do hate working with you. But as people. We all want the same thing. To stop her from hurting someone innocent. And or herself. We maybe villains. But we've always thought Constance was a good person no matter what. I knew her mother. I've known Constance since she wa as child. I will not allow her to get hurt. Ever" ivy said "neither will we. We will work with you. And listen to you. We've all met Constance at one point or another. We like her. We don't wanna see her get hurt.." joker said surprising us all.
"Then let's get to work funding her and stoping her " I say and soon enough we get to work.

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