Chapter 2

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The sound of laughter rolled out in the backyard of the Grimaldi household. The trees had shed their leaves and the ground was covered in a blanket of snow. It was only natural that the younger ones of the family wanted to make the most of it.

''I don't even know why you brought me out here,'' Vito grumbled to his younger brother as he rubbed his hands together.

''Come on, it's fun!'' Graziano replied before turning to Romeo. ''Okay, Kiddo, the one with the biggest snowman wins. Ready, set and go!''

Vito pushed the layers of cold off the patio and sat on it. He rolled his eyes at the little contest Graziano threw. He knew Graziano would win. Their kid brother hardly had a real chance at winning. Romeo had neither the strength nor length to stack the large snowballs – that were twice his weight – on top of each other.

It hasn't even ended and Graziano already has that smug grin on his face.

Vito's lips tipped up as he would gladly wipe the grin off of Graziano's face. He rose and went over to Romeo who tried lifting a heavy snowball.

''Let's do it together.''

Romeo smiled, relief written on his features. ''We're going to beat Graziano.''

Vito and Romeo hoisted the densely packed snow, Vito carrying most of its weight to lessen the burden on his brother, and stacked it on top of another ball.

Graziano threw his hands up in the air. ''Hey! That's two against one!''

''You never specified the rules.'' Vito gave him a smirk.

''Smartass,'' Graziano said under his breath. ''But hey! I guess you can't complain if I get some help as well.'' He walked in exaggerated movements to get past the snow and went inside the house.

''This is our chance! Let's finish it before he gets back.'' Romeo quickly started making another ball that would serve as a head.

''So now it's a speed contest?''

Vito stayed put and simply watched his brother continue playing. It were carefree moments like these, he enjoyed the most. To be with his family. His face set in quiet optimism and lend Romeo a hand in making the snowman.

Once Romeo carved a face, he put the finishing touch by placing his own wool hat on it. A frown formed at the sound of Vito laughing quietly.

''What's so funny?''

''You're just as tall as him.'' He referred to the snowman.

''You mean just as short as him.'' Graziano smirked earning himself a glare from Romeo. ''It was just a joke! You'll get some height on you once you get older.''

''Weren't you getting help?'' Vito questioned.

''Everyone says it's too cold to go outside.''

No surprise there.

''Mine is taller,'' Graziano remarked after finishing his snowman.

''But mine is bigger! And taller.'' Romeo retorted.

''The hat doesn't count.''

''Yes, it does!''

Vito sighed. ''Just let Romeo have this one.''

''It's because you guys always let the kid win that he can't handle losing. He's getting pretty arrogant as well.''

I can't deny that.

''I'm going,'' he said and shut the back door.

Vito folded his arms over each other, rubbing himself to get some heat on him. His head moved sideways at the sound of his father sneezing; an exaggerated one at that. The sound of ticking returned to the living room as Toni continued writing an email on his laptop. The only other thing filling up the space was the feminine voice of the news reporter.

''Are you even watching the news?''

It took a couple of seconds before Toni replied, ''What? Did you say something?'' His gaze fixed on the bright screen.

''No, not a word.''

Vito took off his coat and hung it on the back of the chair. He sat down at the long wooden table and listened to the news – not that he was processing any information. Feeling bored, his fingers drummed against the surface and his eyes wandered over the many contents on it – an empty mug, ripped-open letters, a math book, car keys, a watch and a small notebook. The last item piqued Vito's interest.

The ash-grey notebook was owned by Toni. Vito knew his father kept all his passwords, contacts and important notes in it.

There might be something in it about the loan.

With his father's back facing him, Vito reached over and grabbed the notebook. The pages containing Toni's passwords and contacts were skipped, going straight to the note section. Vito's pulse began racing as there was an overwhelming sense he was about to read something he shouldn't.

The word loan that was scribbled in blue ink brought a stop to the page-turning. The name Sasha caused a single eyebrow to rise and the numbers underneath it made the other one rise as well.

Four thousand dollars.

His Adam's apple bounced up and down.

''What do you mean it's wrong?'' Toni shouted at the electronic device.

Vito's eyes snapped up, his hands quickly closing the grey notebook and placing it where his father had left it.



''Get my notebook will ya. It's on the dinner table.''


''This damned thing keeps saying my password is incorrect!''

Vito extended his arm, waving the item in the air until his father grabbed it.

''I won!'' Graziano barged into the house, a victorious smile tugging on his lips.

Romeo ran up to Vito. ''He's lying. You saw it, right?''

''I did.'' Vito had to force a smile. ''And don't take everything Graziano says too seriously. He is just messing with you.''

''If you kids have time to play then you also have time to make your homework,'' Toni raised the volume of his voice. ''Didn't you say you have a math test next week, Graziano? And Romeo, go and learn the states or something. I'm sure you have unfinished homework.''

''We did that last year, Dad,'' Romeo said.

Graziano began opening his mouth, ready to argue his genius and how he didn't need to study to get high marks. Seeing that their father wasn't all rainbows and sunshine today, Vito signed for Graziano to not fight him.

''Fine.'' Reluctance laced Graziano's tone.

Forest green eyes flitted back to Toni. The disturbingly high loan messed with Vito's head, unsettlement and concern seeping inside him. He knew this wasn't a problem he could resolve on his own.

I need to get a hold of Enzo. 

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