The midwest is home to the strongest packs in America after they're gone no one else will be stupid enough to oppose me.

Knock Knock Knock

I am snapped from my memories by the arrival of my guest. I immediately sit up in my bed. I have to get my mind right for her. I relax my body and remove all irritation from my appearance. I can't let any of my true self show or she may renege on our deal.

The door opens slowly. She hesitantly walks in and looks around the room. I have the lights dimmed but she has no trouble spotting me sitting on the bed.

She gives me a exquisite smile brighter than a thousand suns and my wolf howls in pleasure at the sight of her. I quickly scold him for his impotence and get him back under control. I return her smile with a version of my own.

It was pure luck when I met her in town at a popular diner. I couldn't believe it. I was sure someone like me would never be given a mate. What did this poor girl do to be stuck with a perverse wolf like myself.

Needless to say it took alot of seducing and bullshit lines for her to feel comfortable around me especially after I explained that I was the rogue that was taking over the midwest, but soon she was putty in my hands. We have been meeting secretly for weeks now and she's been helping me infiltrate Red Dawn.

She closes the door and hurries over to me. I stand up and she throws herself into my arms wrapping herself around me.

"I've missed you" she whispers into my neck.

"I know" I pat and rub on her back. I know the appropriate response should have been 'I've missed you too' but try as I might I can't get any sentiment of affection to come from my mouth, it's a good thing that she doesn't seem to care much. "You're late."

"I know I'm sorry there has been big drama at the pack." She releases me and sits down on the bed in exhaustion. "I had things to take care of and help out with"

"Drama?" I sit next to her and grab both her hands. I put on my best sympathetic face "What's wrong are you ok?"

"Oh it's nothing with me it's with our Alpha couple they are having problems"

She goes on to tell me a messy paternity drama worthy of a an segment on the Maury show. To make things worse the pack has become unsettled by the news and they are beginning to question their Alpha's integrity and governing abilities.

I have to work hard to contain my glee. A pack full of discord is a vulnerable pack.

"See that's exactly what I was telling you about. The werewolf communities have lost their way they need a strong leader to show them how to live, teach them values, and guide them into a brighter future. Don't you see that now?"

She shake her head repeatedly in denial "But it's not like that Alpha Amber just made a mistake-"

"A mistake? That's a big mistake. A Mate Bond is the single most special treasure in the world." I bring one of her hands to my mouth and kiss it softly. I look her directly in the eye "I couldn't imagine cheating on my mate"

She blushes deeply but I can still decisiveness in her eyes "Everyone makes mistakes. If you met her or seen her with her mate James you'd-"

Her refusal to not take my word angers me, I growl cutting her off "I can't believe you'd defend a whore Alpha that can't keep her legs closed to other men that's not her mate. What does that say about your view on mate relationships?"

She jerks away as if I'd slapped her. Her face is full of hurt and I can see tears well in her eyes at my harshness. Shit I didn't mean to let that slip, my ire got the best of me. I have to play this nice and easy.

Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of The Red Dawn Trilogy )Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя