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(Winters POV)

Frost. Winter thought about him ALL THE TIME. Him and Moon took up his thoughts all day and it was very annoying. The Day Frost died he did too.


Frost and Winter were playing Ice 'n Slice. A game they invented when they were seven years old. You take a piece of ice and slice it up until you make a shape.

I sliced mine up till I made a Dragon and Frost had made a Watermelon. We started talking about random IceWing things. Until  Frost slipped on the table and onto the Watermelon.

Turns out, he broke his neck. And while they were trying to relocate it Fatespeaker came in and yelled 'BOOM' It startled the Docters and one of the Doctors drop the clipper they were using on Frost and Frost died that day. Winters Twin Brother died that day. Because of Fatespeaker .

End of Flashback.

Winter was thinking about this and he passed a hall where Moon and Qibli were laughing together I smiled at them then frowned when Qibli leaned over and kissed Moon of the cheek. 

I growled then walked away.

I know somebody who can help me.

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