Start from the beginning

• The next time they all gather at the party, Caterina notices Matthias with a girl as his date and is heartbroken.

• After each party, the family (Marcello's) notices that each time they see Caterina, she looks less happier than before. Soon enough, they don't see her smile or laughter at all and she completely avoids them at the parties, only sticking to her husband the whole way through. The guy that she's married to puts up a very fake front, showing that he's a nice guy to everyone, therefore Caterina feels like she can't tell anyone, because they won't believe her.

The next part contains a ⚠️ T.W ⚠️.

• One day at home, Caterina's husband comes home really drunk and ⚠️ T.W ⚠️ rapes her. He slurs that he notices the way she looks at Matthias and says horrible stuff to her. To get through it all, Caterina thinks of Matthias :(

• Caterina stops turning up to the parties completely and one day finds out that she's pregnant.

• 5 months later, her husband demands her to come to one of the parties, and she does. Marcello's family are very surprised to see that Caterina is pregnant after not seeing her for so long and they ask her questions, but she refuses to talk to them. Matthias tries to talk to her, but she also refuses to talk to him.

• 4 months later, Caterina is 9 months pregnant, her due date is anytime now.

⚠️ T.W ⚠️

• Her husband leaves the house after abusing her. She falls asleep, her arms and legs bruised and her head bleeding. She wakes up to hear a commotion near the front door. She stops by the stairs to see that it's Eleonora and Matthias trying to go past security to see Caterina.

• Eleonora and Matthias noticed something off when Caterina stopped talking to them. They went to see how she was doing and Eleonora demanding she see Caterina right there and then.

• They notice that Caterina is by the stairs and go towards her, but Caterina suddenly gets a sharp pain, she's in labour.

• This next part I wasn't sure if I was going to write whether Caterina had the baby or a miscarriage instead. I think I was more leaning more towards her having the baby.
She gives birth to a baby boy.

⚠️ T.W ⚠️

• At the hospital, Matthias goes to see her and the baby and reluctantly Caterina starts talking to him again, but is very cold towards him. She tells him everything that had happened while she lived with her husband and how when she got raped, the whole time she thought of Matthias saving her just like when they were kids (check prologue). He confesses everything to her about how he's always loved her and how he can't forgive himself for putting her in a situation like that, but Caterina says she doesn't care anymore. She's only living for her baby now.

• Caterina's husband's dad (the don) finds out what had happened and shoots his son, now Caterina's husband is dead.

• This would near toward the end of the book now I would say. Over the next few chapters, Matthias takes care of Caterina and her baby and treats the baby as his own son. He does his best to make Caterina trust him again and they fall in love with each other.

• Caterina overhears a conversation between Eleonora and Marcello. Eleonora says she can never forgive Marcello for putting Caterina into a marriage like that. Caterina and Marcello speak and Marcello confesses that Caterina's husband had threatened him with his whole family. Marcello doesn't expect Caterina to forgive him and she doesn't, but she learns to move forward.

• Epilogue: 5 years later
Matthias and Caterina have twins. A boy and a girl. Caterina's son (the first born) is now five. Matthias and Caterina have gotten married since then. Marcello retires as the don/leader of the mafia and hands it down to Grayson. Ethan meets a new potential someone in his life, learning to move on from Zara, but still looks after her baby who he treats as his own son. (At the time, I was thinking about writing a book for Ethan's story, but as I'm not going to, he would have eventually moved on with someone else and had another child who he named Zara.)
Grayson and Iris have three children, 3 girls.

The end.

I was planning for that list to be concise and short lmao, but I guess not. Can you tell I'm not that good at taking notes?💀

Writing down that list of what happens in the book made me wish I could write it out, maybe in the future I might have a change of heart and will, but for now, it will not happen.

Thank you to everyone who was here from Black & Grey and to those who supported Awaken as well. I appreciate every single vote, comment and silent readers ❤️ I will still be active on wattpad, just writing new books :)
Once again, I apologise again to those who wanted to read a proper ending to this book. If I had continued to write this book knowing that it didn't make me happy, it would not have satisfied me completing a book, knowing that it wasn't truly to my highest writing capability.

Atm I am working on a new book which I have been writing for the past 6 months, but I've saved it as a draft, ready to upload the chapters when it's almost complete (which it almost is).

I'm so so so sorry, and really sorry for this extremely long author's note, (if you're still here, hey 👋), but thank you so so so so much for supporting and understanding. I truly appreciate every single one of you ❤️
Until then


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