Lyra was almost finished on a chapter when suddenly someone sat down before her. She looked up to see Cassius Warrington, a seven year student in her house. He wore a big shiny Inquisitorial Squad badge on his robes. She looked out the window and noted that the sun was setting. She looked back at him and tried to remain polite.

Cassius was someone she didn't really see often. Occasionally she saw him in the common room or in the Great Hall. He had short blonde hair and a squared jaw and was broad shouldered. He was on the Quidditch team as a Chaser. He was all brawl and no brains in her opinion. She watched his friend mix a bunch of food and liquid together and dared him to eat the concoction for five Galleons. He did it and then vomited on the floor, but at least he got paid.

"Hi," He greeted with a sly smirk.

"Hi, Cassius." She greeted politely. She didn't have the faintest idea why he was at her table, talking to her. That was until she noticed across the aisle and a little ahead of her, she saw heads snickering and looking her way. Terrance was among them and he was frowning. Marcus Flint shoved him to try and loosen him up. She looked back at the bastard in front of her. Of course, this must be a bloody dare. "Can I help you?"

"I just wanted to sit with one of the prettiest girls in your year." He replied flirtatiously. "What are you reading?" She felt her stomach turn, she tried not to express disgust.

"History of St. Mungo's." She replied as she turned back to her book, quite bored of this conversation. She hoped he got the message and left her alone.

George finally got bored and stood up and instantly attracted eyes. "Where are you off to, Georgie? A snogging sesh?" Fred taunted.

"Hopefully," He replied before slipping out of the compartment and headed down the direction Lyra headed in.

He carried on, peaking into compartments, probably looking like a weirdo as he traveled down. He saw Ginny, Luna and Neville and popped his head in.

"Hey, Gin." He greeted. "Have you seen Lyra?"

She gave him a smirk. "Lost her, have you?"

"I prefer the term, misplaced."

"I-I saw her." Neville spoke up nervously. "She's sitting at the tables."

"Thanks, Neville." George shut the door and carried on.

When he switched to the next train cart, he noticed it was quieter than he expected. He always hated the seated area. He noticed Lyra's bushy hair, but unfortunately he noticed Cassius Warrington sitting across from her. He felt his entire core burn with fire. He didn't like seeing that tosser anywhere near her.

Lyra was hoping he would go away, but he fucking didn't. He only leaned closer, not noticing a particular man watching him closely. "I was always curious about you." She felt his fingertips brush her knee.

"If you continue your touch further, you'll lose your hand." She threatened lowly.

He removed his hand but smiled big. "Oh, hard to get, are you?"

"Something like that." She gritted her teeth. She was trying her best not to hit him right side the head with her book.

Suddenly she felt someone sit down beside her. She knew that smell, George. She looked over to see her boyfriend seated beside her.

"Ah, hello Malfoy." He greeted. He looked at Cassius. "Is he bothering you?" He sounded very friendly, but Lyra knew better.

"What are you doing, Weasley." Cassius snared.

"Do you have my order?" Lyra asked George, ignoring Cassius.

"I do, but unfortunately I left it in my trunk. I was wondering if you have my payment?"

"Left it in my trunk." She grinned. She looked at Cassius. "Oh, right. Where were we?" She leaned forward with a polite smile. "Touch me ever again, and you'll be shitting your teeth. Now go back to your table and tell your friends how an elitist would never want to shag you." She turned to George. "I'll get your payment, Weasley."

He got up and let Lyra slide out while Cassius looked pissed. George only gave him a smug look. "Chin up, you can always try Moaning Myrtle." He laughed and followed Lyra down the aisle, he listened to her muttering swear words.

"Thanks," She finally muttered.

"Anything for a trusty customer." He smirked.

When they arrived back to the castle, Cassius had his friends laughing at him when Lyra passed him.

Lyra looked up at the teacher's table and hated to see Umbridge looking so smug. Dumbledore's Army was no longer an option. The door was now heavily watched and had a charm set up around it. Lyra also had her boyfriend who would soon be leaving. She looked over at him, her idiot boyfriend was eating something on a dare. Of course. Him and Fred caused a riot over at the Gryffindor table.

She was going to miss him. And she didn't know what to do while he was gone. He was her idiot.

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