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It was hours after she had finished her tea and cake that Rose got another text. By that time she was setting up the parasol over the table in the garden at home. When she realised she had two texts and that one was from an unknown number she squealed! She read Effy's text first, it said she was on her way. Rose already knew this though, she always knew when Effy was coming over. It was like she was psychic or something! Next she read the other other text.

Hope you like the necklace. Fancy meeting tomorrow? Josh x

Rose smiled when she realised that he'd written everything properly. He must be so smart! She sent a reply straight away, it was a few hours since she got the text anyway! She wouldn't seem too keen!

2moz gr8. Where? Rose x

Rose pressed send and put her phone in her pocket. Then she finished setting up the parasol. Then she went inside and got a jug of lemonade and put a lid on so no flies or anything would get in it when she put it on the table. Then she carried it out with a plate of low-fat raspberry cookies and put them on the table. She put a mesh cover over the plate.

Rose sat down on one of the chairs and smiled as she heard the gate at the side of the house open.

"Hello Effy!" She called as her best friend entered the garden.

"Rose! Tell me everything!" Effy squealed and ran over to join Rose at the table, shaded from the bright sun by the huge pink parasol.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2012 ⏰

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