-.Chapter Fourteen.-

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I didn't go to school bc I'm hella sick af. But like it gives me time to write.

I'm learning to play flute for band omfg colorguard AND flute I'm happy.

Okay okay here's your update.


"If I cared, I would have said so." Zayn hissed at one of Austin's remarks.

"Guys, can you get along for .2 seconds?" Harry sighs. "Can he stop acting like we care about what he has to say for .2 seconds?" Austin mumbled.

"Can he stop his shit before I kill him in .2 seconds?!" Zayn seethed. Niall looked cautious knowing Zee was a Hitman.

"Let's not." Liam giggled.

"Hey, remember that one time.." Louis tried to change the subject. "Yeah when we did that thing at that place with that person!" Harry adds on.

Zayn couldn't help but chuckle.

"Nutella, come love me." Niall tried to pick his cat up, but it had jumped in Zayn's lap.

Zayn's heart cracked at the thought of Aladdin.

"Speaking of Nutella, we are out." Liam said. "You mean I am?" Niall raised his eyebrow and laughed.

"Well, we spend a majority of our time over here." Liam shrugged. "I'll go pick some up?" Zayn offers.

"Good idea, Austin you go with him and pick up Carrot." Liam said talking about the pet rabbit.

"No!" Zayn and Austin yell.

"Guys, please!" Niall groaned. "You can totally ignore each other." Liam insists.

"Fine. If he talks to me I'm killing him." Zayn mumbled and walked out the door and got in his car.

2 long minutes later Austin got in the passenger seat and huffed angrily.

"I don't like you." Austin states. "I'm not too thrilled about your existence either, Mahone." Zayn growled driving off.

The clouds were dark, so Zayn assumed it'd be storming later on. Zayn turned the radio up and heavy metal poured through the speakers.

"What the shit?! This isn't music! It's screaming!" Austin turned it down.

"If you're gonna bash my music you can walk. It's my car." Zayn turned it back up singing along.

"I'm also the guest." Austin turned it down.

"The guest of my car?" Zayn looked at him crazily and turned it up.

"This is devil music." He turned it down.

"Then call me a demon." Zayn turned it up.

"TURN THIS OFF!" Austin turned it completely off.

Zayn was seriously about to bitch slap the shit out of Austin. "It's my fucking car!" Zayn yelled.

"I'm gonna be glad when you shut up." Austin smiled sarcastically. "I'm gonna be glad when you die." Zayn smiled back.

It got quiet and Zayn looked around the neighborhood. He was too busy arguing he'd gotten himself lost.

"Where are we?" Austin asks with a groan. "In hell if you don't shut up." Zayn comments as he turned down a road that had a black stop sign looking thing.

"Shit." Zayn gasps.

They had managed to get to the area of the 12th company of Hitman.

The black sign was their territory. There was twenty-something companies.

"What?" Austin asks.

To Zayn's luck, his car breaks down. "Fuck, fuck, fuck." Zayn swears. He gets out and opens the hood.

The Belt had broken. "What happened?" Austin asks. "Looks like we're walking." Zayn said.

"I need you to stay behind me." Zayn said. Just as Austin was about to argue a bit came up to them who looked about nineteen.

"Need help?" He asks.

"No, we were just on our way." Zayn said carefully noticing the gun in his belt.

"I insist." The boy steps closer.

"Honestly, mate. We're fine." Zayn said and placed his hand on his gun.

Suddenly the boy pulls his out and Zayn jerked his out as well.

"You aren't supposed to kill without orders." Zayn popped his neck as he protected Austin.

"You think I care? Plus, I can't kill the number one assassin in Bradford. I want the one behind you." He laughed.

"Hell no." Zayn scoffed.

"Why not? I heard you two yelling. Seems like you hate him. He seems unimportant." The boy made a bitter laugh.

"He happens to be important as fuck to me." Zayn hissed in anger. The boy shoots the gun and Zayn kicked Austin to the side and Austin fell.

The bullet went through Zayn's shoulder and he laughed.

"You think that phased me?" Zayn shot his gun 4 times and it hit the boy each time and he fell down dead.

Zayn dropped his gun and got his phone.

"Niall? Please... Come get Austin. He'll be at the service station on 56." Zayn hung up and Austin jumped up.

Zayn called a cab and looks at Austin.

"You won't speak of what you saw or heard, got it?" Zayn tore his shirt and pressed it to his wound.

"G-got it..." Austin was so blown away. It got quiet as Zayn sat. "I'm important? I thought you hated me.." Austin said lowly.

"Nobody deserves to die. We're all a little important." Zayn tried to play it off.

Austin smiled.

"You like me."

Zayn rolled his eyes and scoffed. "Whatever Mahone." Zayn stood up when the cab pulled up. "You like me." He states again. "I do not." Zayn disagrees.

When Austin got in Zayn looked at him. "Hey... Stay safe. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt." Zayn hands him the gun.

Austin nods and Zayn shut the door and the car drives away. He sighed and thought about how Niall was gonna react when he told him the story. He laughed and whispered,

"We're all a little important."


"No! Pass!" Leah laughed at the card game she was playing with Perrie. Her phone popped up with one new voicemail and she walked outside to smoke a Blunt or two as she listened to the voicemail.

She gasped when she heard Jakes voice.

"Leah, my dear, I need to see you." Josh calls out sweetly. Leah gulped and thought about running.

But instead, she walked straight into Josh's office.

With a gun.

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