The Next Step Season 8 Episode 6

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I spin in my chair and see...Oh no. Oh no!

Izzy, Heath, Summer, and Nick are standing outside the office, gazing in with shocked expressions on their faces.

"I told you," I hear Izzy whisper to Summer and Heath.

"Umm, how much of that did you guys see?" Noah asks from behind me.

"The whole thing." Izzy answers. "Starting when he was kissing your face and you were telling him to stop and—"

"We get it, Izzy," Heat says, shushing her.

"So..." Nick starts, breaking the silence. "You guys are..."

"Yeah..." I whisper. I feel Noah's hand on my shoulder and I lean into it.

"That's great, guys!" Nick yells. Wow, I didn't see that coming. I thought he'd be mad, but he's the complete opposite. "I think that's the first time someone has actually listened to my advice about girls."

"Well, it was good advice. Thanks, man." Noah says.

"Wait, I have a question. Why did you say 'I told you so,' Izzy?"

"Well, I kinda already saw you guys kissing." she admits. "And then I told Heath and Summer, so we already knew about you guys."

"Oh," I say surprised. "But you guys are good with it, right?"

"It's not really any of our business, Richelle. But I think that it's really great for you two. I always suspected there was something going on with you guys." Summer says.

"You did?" Noah and I ask in unison.

"Did you guys notice your Regionals duet?" she asks sarcastically. "Because I'm pretty sure everyone watching thought you guys were a couple. The chemistry and emotion was undeniable."

"I was, actually." Nick says. "I watched it online. I was really surprised you two weren't together."

"We were just really good friends." I say, chuckling. "Plus, he was leaving. And my boyfriend had just broken up with me, so I was really emotional."

"Yeah, that's all it was." Noah agrees.

"Sure, lovebirds." Nick says. "But rehearsals start soon, so you guys should all probably get to Studio A."

"Sure. But just wait a minute." I say, everyone pausing. "No telling anyone else about what your guys saw, what you saw before," I point at Izzy. "And what we talked about just now. Got it?"

"Yeah," everyone mutters. Noah detaches his have from my shoulder and follows me into Studio A.

Presley's Perspective:

We just finished running through the Semi Finals routine for the 10th time, and everyone's  exhausted. I look around the room and Summer, Izzy, and Heath are whispering in the corner, Jude is laughing at something Cleo said beside me—we're by the front mirrors—Ethan, Marcus, Grace, and Lily are running through a certain part sloppily in the middle of the floor, Piper had Finn are talking in the other corner, and Noah and Richelle are near the cubbies acting really weird. 

It's like they're purposely trying to have a space  in between them. Every time they've gotten less than a foot close to each other, they instantly scoot apart. There's something fishy going on there.

In a minute, Noah and Richelle call us to the center of the room. "Right, guys, so you all know that there's going to be a partnering section in this dance." Noah says. "There's going to be 5 pairs, and, unfortunately, there will be 2 alternates."

I cringe. I hope I'm not an alternate, but they probably won't make someone as good as me an alternate anyway. "The pairs will be: Cleo and Jude, Finn and Piper, Heath and Izzy, Marcus and Summer, and Presley and Ethan." Richelle says.

Thank goodness my name was called! "And that means that the alternates will be...Winnie and Lily. I'm sorry guys." She adds apologetically. I look at Lily and Winnie and see their faces fall. I understand their disappointment, but the parings are actually pretty good, so I agree with Richelle and Noah's decision to make them alternates for this dance.

Everyone goes to their partner and Lily and Winnie go and sit on the bench sadly. Ethan comes over to me, and Richelle and Noah come over to us.

"We want you two to try the star lift." Nah says.

"What do you mean?" I ask. I'm not really sure what a star lift is, and looking at Ethan, I don't think he knows either.

"You know, the one where you do the middle splits over his head and he lifts you up." Richelle answers matter-of-factly.

"I'm sorry, I still don't know what you mean. Can you guys show us?" I ask this for 2 reasons. 1, because I really want to know what the lift is. 2, because it might give me an inkling to what is going on between these two.

The look at each other and shrug. "Fine." Noah grabs onto Richelle's waist, and I can see her smirk a bit as she puts her hands on his shoulders, preparing for the lift. "3, 2, 1." Richelle counts, and he lifts her up. She widens her legs into a middle splits and they hold that position for 3 seconds before he brings her down.

I notice them smile at each other fondly before I say, "Okay, I get it. Thanks guys."

"No problem. We should probably go help other groups now." Noah says, both him and Richelle leaving.

"So, wanna try the lift?" Asks Ethan.

"Sure," I reply. We follow the same preparation as Noah and Richelle, and execute the lift just as flawlessly.

We go through it about 6 more times, and but then everyone's practicing some sort of lift or partner move. "Okay, I think that's probably good for today. Good job guys!" Noah says. Everyone excitedly rushes to their bags.

I'm the last to leave, and I'm about to walk through the door when I hear something weird. "Want to go into the office and finish what we started earlier?" Noah asks Richelle in an odd sort of tone. Flirty, even. I turn around and see them walking towards the office, so I scurry out of the door, peaking through the opening.

"By that do you mean our kiss?" Richelle asks, being flirty back. Kiss? What kiss? They kissed?! Oh my gosh!

"What else would I mean?" Noah says back. Yup, they're definitely flirting. So they like a couple or something? Maybe...

"Why wait 'til the office?" She says.

"What do you mean, Riche?" Noah asks.

"This." Richelle says confidently, crashing her lips onto his. They keep kissing, and I don't se an end coming anytime soon. I'm out of here.

What do I do? I think as I get into my car. I obviously can't tell anyone, so will I just keep it to myself and act like absolutely nothing just happened? I probably will. I'm good at keeping secrets, most of the time.

Author's Note:

What do you guys think is going to happen now with a total of 5 people knowing their secret? Let me know in the comments :)

Thank you guys for reading! Have a great day/night everybody! Love you all!

The Next Step- Nochelle and Jiley One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora