━━━━ chapter nine.

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Indirect confession i.

Indirect confession i

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Driver Kim was still perplexed by Jumin's request in the morning. There was very less interaction between the two on a daily basis—however, Kim knew full well Jumin's tastes. There wasn't often his employer would request to play music during their rides. And if he did, it was usually jazz or classics; it suited Jumin, if he were being honest. One could take a look at the man and tell he'd be the jazz type of guy.

So when in morning Jumin had asked Kim to keep the radio station which played an indie song that'd come up, Kim faltered for a moment. But like any other employee, he didn't question Jumin and kept the station.

A lot of things were happening out of the blue these days, anyway. Like Jumin humming and whistling to himself as he strutted the corridors of the office—scaring the devil out of the staff. And the faint smile that upturned on his mouth every time he received a text or a call. Needless to say, a lot had changed. And Kim couldn't say he minded.

And his world-weary eyes hadn't exactly missed the coincidence that it was always a certain—petit, short girl with dark hair that was the reason for this change in the director's behaviour.

"Sir?" Driver Kim called out, making Jumin look up from the file he was flipping through.

"Isn't that Ms Chan?" his words caused the file to be tossed to the side immediately—and Jumin's eyes instantly turned to the bus stop on the side where Driver Kim pointed.

True to his word, there was Ophelia sitting on the benches by the side of the road, smiling at a boy of around five years next to her.

"Yes... that's her," Jumin murmured to himself, craning his neck to get a better view. Driver Kim smiled to himself, clearing his throat.

"Do you want me to pull by, Sir?" his words were completely innocent, notwithstanding the knowing look on his aged face which Jumin was too busy to notice.

"Yes please."

"Jumin?" Ophelia rose from her seat—turning to look at the child next to her who stared up at her in confusion, before averting her gaze once again.

"Ms Chan," his reply came a little too quickly—especially for someone speaking in a curt manner. He jogged up to the duo, his hand fiddling with the button of his coat's blazer.

"I was passing by and Driver Kim noticed you waiting here, so I thought I'd say hello." His explanation made her smile, and Ophelia nodded.

"I was just going to drop Seo back at my friend's place, she's returned from her trip abroad you see?" she added, introducing Jumin to the child, "Seo, this is my client, Jumin Han. Jumin, this is my college friend's son, Seo Park."

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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