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BAKUGOU FINALLY LET GO OF YOUR ARM ONCE YOU STEPPED OUT, but his drawn brows, heavy footsteps, and fiery side glances told you he was still mad.

"What are you so pissy about?"

"You lied about your name, Y/N" he kept his eyes forward now, as if even looking at you disgusted him "I hate liers".

"First of all, I did not lie. My name is Four. Second of all, I don't think you're in any position to complain about lying".

He suddenly jerked his head towards you, looking offended "what's that supposed to mean?"

"I'm stuck here because of you. Even though I helped you back there, you betrayed my trust".

You both stopped in front of a door with his name on it until he scanned his card and let you both in.

"It's not my fault you trust people so easily. I never said I was on your side. And I certainly did not ask for your help" he spat angrily.

"But I thought-"

"That's right you thought. I never said anything, you just made an assumption".

It suddenly dawned on you, your eyes widening. He was...right.

"Which means what, guns?" He bent forward and down into your face, his crimson eyes boring into your e/c ones expectantly.

"You didn't lie" your voice came out barely above a whisper.

"I didn't fucking lie" he said at the same time.

He made a tsk sound and disappeared through one of the two doors in front of you. You were mad at yourself for assuming he owed you for helping him. Of course he didn't ask for your help, so why did you feel so hurt by his actions?

Desperately needing to distract yourself from the uncomfortable feeling in your chest, you decided to take in your surroundings.

There was a spacious living area with black leather couches and a giant flat screen, resembling a man cave. Further in the back, a small kitchen area was separated by black marble countertops right behind the couches.

There were two doors in front and one behind you, all closed. But they had to be his bedroom, the bathroom, and the guest room.

Right then, Bakugou walked out again, holding a small stack of clothes. "the room behind you is yours for now" he handed you the clothes and looked you up and down. Your clothes were torn and dirty, but so were his.

"that's the bathroom. Go clean up" he pointed to one of the doors in front of you. "I'm gonna see the Recovery Girl to take that damn bullet out of my arm".

You only nodded in response and slowly made your way to the bathroom.

"Oh, and never go in my room. Do you understand?".

"Wasn't planning to".

"Good" was all he said before leaving.

The bathroom was surprisingly large, with both a walk-in shower and a bathtub. Considering the eventful day you had, your skin shivered in goosebumps from the excitement of a relaxing bath.

The warm water soothed your aching muscles and calmed your nerves. You had to plan your escape soon. But for now, you closed your eyes and enjoyed this temporary peace.


Bakugou had given you a pair of boxers and a t-shirt. You cracked the door open a bit to make sure you didn't drop the pants, but no. There was none.

The boxers covered through your mid thighs and the shirt was baggy and almost as long as the boxers. You didn't mind showing skin for work, but not for this pervert's pleasure.

With an angry huff, you left the bathroom to be met with Bakugou lounging on the couch. His eyes scanned your body head to toe, smirking a bit as he enjoyed the sight of his overly baggy clothes on your smaller figure.

You crossed your arms and cleared your throat to get his attention. "You need clothes" he said with a serious tone before you could talk.

"No shit".

He grabbed the phone on the table next to him and dialed a number, his eyes not leaving your body. After a few seconds, someone on the other end answered. "Mineta, I need you to get my guest some clothes. Yeah, casual, sleepwear, all of it".

He looked up at you with his smirk growing as he questioned in the phone "size?"

Before you could open your mouth, he gave all your sizes, from shirts and pants to your bra size, correctly. Your mouth hung open in surprise as you felt the heat rushing to your cheeks.

"Just how perverted are you?" You asked as soon as he hung up, walking over to the TV with your back to him, examining the games underneath it in an attempt to hide your embarrassment.

"Tch. I'm perverted? You were the one half naked on Akuma's bed".

"That was for work!" You looked back and retorted defensively.

"Right. Prostitution?".

"What? No! I'm an assassin. I do what I need to in order to kill my target"

"Do you need to sleep with all your targets? Cause I don't think they mind dying like that. I know I wouldn't".

You ignored his last sentence as more heat radiated off of your face "I don't sleep with them. I kill them before they can touch me in an inappropriate way. And I would kill you too."

He stood up and got close in your face "people might get the wrong idea seeing you like that. In a sexy little outfit on a bed. Doesn't seem very assassin-like. And as far as killing me, I don't mind a little challenge. But careful when you play with fire."

You got closer in his face, not backing down "people aren't supposed to see."

"But I did?"

"And what? You got the wrong idea? Cause I can clarify it for you real quick" your voice lowered threateningly as you flipped a knife up, stopping it just as its sharp tip touched his adam's apple.

He smirked once again, his eyes challenging you "No. But I definitely enjoyed it". With that he turned around and headed for the bathroom. Before closing the door behind him he said "By the way, when the guy with your clothes comes, don't let him in. Tell him to leave the bags behind the door or wait for me to take care of it. He's..." he contemplated, looking for the right words "dangerous to be around".

"Trust me, I can handle myself" you said confidently.

"No, you trust me. You don't wanna see Mineta in that little outfit of yours" he closed the door behind him, leaving you in the middle of the living room area with a knife.

"I can take care of myself"


Work in the darkness to serve the light ⚔️

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