04. Getting to know you

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One morning, Nao received a call from one of Akito's servants. Finally, in a couple of days she would be able to visit her again, and this time it will be just the two of them. She had spent already an entire week at the city and was already anxious to be able to talk with Akito about the zodiac and all the secrets she discovered in the past about the Sohmas. She was so close to take a very important step in her life, a moment that she have been looking forward to since many years ago... The nerves began to take hold of her.

"I need to prepare for that day. It would be better if I essay all the things I want to tell Akito. But how should I bring up the subject? I need to be careful. I must take into account all the reactions she must have. What if... Oh god, I need to calm down. Everything is going to be alright. She's my 'cousin' after all, it's like we were real family. Come on Nao... Just relax!"

By being so focused on her own thoughts she couldn't realize she was walking in circles, frantically, around the living room.

- Ehm... Izumi-san?

"Ah!" Nao managed to put herself together and saw Yuki in front of her, looking at her a bit puzzled.

- Are you ok? - Yuki asked Nao, who was obviously agitated by something.

- Ah yes! Sorry if I have worried you, I'm just excited because I'll be able to meet with Akito finally. You know, so many things to catch up with - She laughed nervously "You could not even imagine how many" thought to herself "or actually yes, taking in mind you are one of the zodiac"

- I see. I'm really glad for you. - Yuki said, kindly - Shigure left early this morning, but he asked me to give you this. - Then he handed her a brown envelope with a book inside. At that instant she remembered the conversation they had the previous night. "Ah, this must be one of his novels. I can't wait to see what kind of stories he writes"

- Thank you so much Yuki! - Nao felt a bit more relaxed after the little distraction. - By the way, you can call me Nao, ok? After all, we knew each other when we were kids. - She smiled.

- Ah ok...Then... - Yuki hesitated - Nao. I was thinking that we haven't had many time to talk since you arrived here. I was about to go for a walk, would you want to join me?

Nao hadn't any plans for that day and the others weren't at home, so it sounded like a good idea to her.

- Ah yes! It sounds good! Thanks for inviting me Yuki. Let me leave this at my room and take my purse, I'll be right here in a minute.

And she went upstairs to do so. But before leaving the room she took a peek to the interior of the envelope. The book that Shigure lent her looked quite old, the cover was aged but looked very neat. There wasn't any title written in the exterior. It seemed kind of... mysterious. "I wonder what kind of book it is". And then left it carefully in the table. "I'll read it as soon as I'm back. I can't wait to dig in it!"

Then Yuki and Nao went out for a walk. He took the chance to show her the surroundings and some interesting spots of the neighbourhood that she had never seen before (or that at least she don't remember to have seen). They were approaching a small old shrine in the woods, the place was peaceful and charming. It seemed like a place that people don't frequent much.

- This is my favourite spot around here - Said Yuki. - I come here when I feel uneasy or just want to be alone.

- Oh... I can see why is that. It's so quiet here... - Nao sat in an old bench made of rock, enjoying the views.

Yuki remained silent for some minutes, observing the landscape too to let her enjoy the moment for a while, before asking her something that had been around his head since the day she arrived.

- So... Nao - He drew her attention at last - Why did you come back here?

- Uhm? - Nao thought he was just making little conversation to avoid an uncomfortable silence - Ah, well you know, I always wanted to come back and meet with everyone, specially with Akito, and resume our friendship. - She smiled warmly.

- No, what I mean is... what's your actual purpose by coming here? - Yuki turned to her and looked directly at her eyes with a very serious glanze, Nao frightened a bit - Has it something to do with what you saw that day?

"!" - Nao became petrified. She got it now, for some reason he knows. But... This is not the way the things should have happened. She went blank and couldn't say a word... "What should I do now?"

Yuki understood her reaction, and tried to relax the atmosphere. He cleared his throat slightly and continued talking.

- That day... I saw you hiding behind a tree. I could see your expression when you saw me transformed into a rat. To be honest, to this day, I still don't understand how you could keep a secret like that from everyone.

Nao finished ordering the events in her mind. Certainly, the little excursion with Yuki was not at all what she expected "Damn" She definitely couldn't pretend to ignore what he was talking about, so decided to be sincere.

- I was yet a little kid... But even so I managed to understand that it was something big enough to be treated lightly... I never wanted to be a burden. In fact... - at that point Nao determined she should tell everything - During all these years the only thing I could think of was finding a way to help Akito and the rest of you. - Nao looked him straight in the eyes when saying this, looking somewhat... fearless. Yuki didn't say anything yet, as he felt that it was not everything she had to say. And so, she continued. - I didn't lie to you about what I said before, I really wanted to meet Akito again and stay in touch. But yes... I also had other intentions... - she made a pause, as evaluating if she could add something else - Well, you might laugh at this but... since that day all my life has revolved around finding a way to break the course.

Yuki didn't expect an answer as honest as that. He was, more than surprised, amazed.

- I can't laugh at something like that - and then sat by her side, in the bench - But, you know that's impossible, right? - he asked without actually being a question, and his expression turned sad, almost somber. - It's been like this for so long...

- That's not true! - interrupted Nao, suddenly fervent - Every curse has an origin, and therefore, an end. There should exist a way to be erased. That's why I'm studying ancient cultures - and her eyes sparkled full of hope - I feel like I will be able to figure that out if I talk to Akito, he is the "God" of the zodiac curse, isn't it?

- You really have done your homework, huh? - Yuki forced a smile, but his eyes were still sorrowfull. - But... regarding Akito... I think you should not talk to him about this, Nao... He... - and his face turned so strained that he had to look to the ground. - He's a monster. You don't know the things he's capable to do...

Nao refused to believe his words "Akito, a monster?" she thought "that's not true, he's a bit different, but not a monster..." but then she remembered the strange aura she felt the other day, when they met. Akito looked truly frightening. "He... can't have changed that much... Am I wrong?"

- Yuki... I really appreciate your concern... But now that I've reached so far I can't just turn around and give up. I hope you understand. - she looked at him imploring - So please, can you keep me this secret, at least until the day after tomorrow?

Yuki sighed wearily - If that's what you want... I only have one thing to ask you: Please, be very careful.

Nao felt like she was getting more and more frightened after talking to Yuki. Although she had been hopeful and positive that morning, now she was becoming really afraid. They walked home together, without saying a word. The atmosphere around them was so gloomy that it could almost be seen. Nao got prepared for the worst.

Cursed or Not (I don't care) [Fruits Basket fanfic]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن