The Power of Words

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You kick away the empty bottle as you rush through the glass door. The bottle bursts into a thousand pieces, like your heart every time Chishiya plays around with it, but at least you won't stumble over it anymore. You even kick away some of the shards because you just don't know where to put all those emotions.

Walking in circles, ruffling your hair, trying to shake off your thoughts – none of it helps. There has rarely been an occasion before this day leaving you that emotionally troubled, and you just want to scream.

In the end you manage to sit down on the rim of the roof, letting your feet dangle down the stone wall. It really is a long way down, and what you're doing is not harmless at all. Down in the pools, you can see someone swimming, and it has to be Kuina since there had been no one else when you left the area just a couple minutes ago.

It would have been all fine, if you hadn't caught sight of Chishiya in the last moment. Kuina had managed to calm you down remarkably, but a single look into those condescending brown orbs is all it takes to stir you up again.

"Damn you, Chishiya..." you mumble as you adopt your favorite position. At least the burning sky is wonderful and watching the sun slowly rise as it gets brighter around you somewhat has the effect you were hoping for.

While you still can't fully understand the world of the Borderlands, there are some things that are no different from home. The sunrise is one of them, and you eventually manage to chase away the thoughts about Chishiya. At least the stirring ones. You instead think about your life before the Borderlands, about the family and friends you've had there.

Like many times before, you wonder what happened to them and if you're really going to die if you fail a game – or if you will ever see them again. But that's something no one can answer you, and you'll have to find out yourself by getting out of this.

Though you don't know how much longer you'll be able to hold on. It's hard for you to pretend living a normal life at the Beach when you see your friends die every couple of nights. The hearts games are the worst, because they could even force you to kill others yourself.

You haven't participated in a hearts game yet, and you're grateful for it. But there is always a first time, and it is said never say never with good reason...

"Watch out, this could be dangerous."

It takes a familiar voice to wake you with a start, and only as you see the chasm right beneath your feet you realize that you've fallen asleep. You startle and crawl backwards so you won't fall down, and stare at the origin of the voice with your eyes wide open.

"You!" You don't understand a single thing anymore. How can he approach you here now? So calm and casual as if nothing had ever happened? At least the anger that you feel helps you not to cry, and you try to glare at him with all your fury.

"What the hell was that down there? You almost killed me!"

This wonderful and cruel man really has the audacity to sit down next to you. So close next to you.

"Calm down. If I wanted to see you dead, you'd be dead already."

That doesn't help at all. You punch him in his side, but it's so weak that he barely notices. Chishiya only chuckles instead, and to your complete astonishment, he pulls his arm around you. What does this man think he's doing, taking his carrot-and-stick approach in the worst moment ever?

You want to push him away, shout at him, hurt him. But this man knows exactly how he can prey on you, and you're too mesmerized by his touch to fight back, so you take the carrot.

"I think it was a fun game." He mentions, and you stare at him in disbelief. But you also remember Kuina's words, that he has to be in control at any time. And it somehow makes sense to you now. Though it doesn't change the fact that you're absolutely mad at him. Or want to be.

"I don't want to play any more silly games. I have learned my lesson." You whisper as you finally give in to his touch. You lean against him, and you're almost ready to forgive. Almost.

"If you did, you wouldn't still look at me like that."

"Told you it's not that easy. And you're not helping at all." You sigh and punch him again, this time even more halfheartedly.

You can still smell the chlorine through his hoodie, but his own scent is getting stronger again. And as the sun starts to warm your face, you both sit in silence and watch how the hotel plaza slowly fills with the first people. There are already some couples inside the pool, not knowing they are being watched as they flirt with each other.

But you can't completely enjoy the closeness that Chishiya has offered, because you can't stop but wonder why. You already know that he is a master of manipulation and that every single move he makes is planned ten steps ahead. And yet you wonder how he benefits from doing this. How he benefits from, well – you.

You raise your upper body a bit so you can look him in his eyes. There's no way to understand this man. With everything he does and every word he says, Chishiya becomes even more a mystery.

As you lift your hand and touch the strand of blonde hair that hangs loose around his face, he slightly flinches back, rewarding you with a glimpse of surprise.

You try to tuck the strand behind Chishiya's ear, but it's too short and falls back immediately. Yet your hand stays on his immaculate skin a heartbeat longer than necessary, and you let it streak down the shape of his cheekbone.

"I want to hate you sometimes, you know that?"

His lips are slightly parted as he smirks at you. "That would be better for you with no doubt."

You sigh. Being so close to him, it would be easy to plant a kiss onto his lips just like that...

"I've tried, believe me. But there's something on you that makes it impossible for me." And you hate yourself more for that than you want to hate him.

"Even though you cried like a baby because of me just a mere couple of hours ago." Chishiya mocks you with those raised brows of his, and it painfully reminds you of the fact that he overheard the full conversation you've had with Kuina. He doesn't move his head aside. Instead, his eyes lock with yours, and you're sure he enjoys how it drives you crazy.

"That's because you almost drowned me! And besides it's not nice to eavesdrop other people talking."

"It's not my fault that you weep so easily. And move your wailings to your hotel room if you want privacy."

He deserves a hard punch so much right now, and it doesn't help that seeing you pout seems to entertain him even more. But you're not able to hurt him, and instead you just lean your head against his shoulder again.

It doesn't even make sense how you can trust this man that easily so soon after what he did to you. And yet you do.

"Alright, I get it. Can we at least agree that there won't be any near-murders anymore?"

"Fine." Chishiya sighs and chuckles all in one. "But no unauthorized kisses either."

Bam. Oh, the magical power of words. He could've just said no more kisses, but this? He definitely leaves the option open that there could be a kiss in the future, if he allows it – and he is fully aware of his choice of words. You feel the smile appear on your face and there's no way to stop it, even though the chaos inside you still rampages stronger than ever, fighting a massive battle against the butterflies that you were trying to suppress so badly.

"Something stupid is happening in your brain again. I can see it in your grin."

You just snuggle your face into his shoulder, letting the scent and warmth of his lull you in. "Ahh, it's nothing."

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