From Heart To Heart

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AN: This was supposed to be a collection of One-Shots, but it's slowly developing a connecting story, and it doesn't make me unhappy to be honest ~
Also a huge thank you to every single one of you! Your support helps me to continue this heartbreak every day ♥

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You hear footsteps approach you, and for a second you hope that Chishiya has come back, maybe to apologize or to put things right. How much you could use a hug right now!

But it's not the white hoodie you see while wiping the tears out of your eyes. Which might not be a bad thing in the end, because you honestly look wrecked with your reddened face and running nose.

The person sits down next to you and you recognize Kuina. She still looks sleepy as she wraps her jacket closer around her chest to withstand the nightly temperatures. You don't quite understand why she's here, because you have never talked with each other before, but she is giving you an honest smile and that's exactly what you need.

"Wow, you look bad." She says, and you exhale a desperate laugh.

"I feel bad."

Kuina reaches into her pocket and pulls out a chewing gum cigarette, offering you one too, but you decline. "No smoker here", you joke with a wink.

"Is it because of Chishiya? I've seen you two talk together earlier."

You nod, running your fingers through your still wet hair. It probably is a total mess by now, but that just fits your current mood perfectly. You pull your knees up to your chest and rest your head on them, watching how the stars reflect on the surface of the water.

"You can talk about it, you know."

But can you, really? Can you pour out your heart in front of that woman that you barely know? You don't want her to run to Chishiya and tell him how whiney you have been, but Kuina doesn't seem to be such a person. And besides, it can't be bad to talk about your feelings for once. Maybe she will understand, and at least she most likely won't call you pathetic or stupid.

With another sigh, you start talking. And soon enough, the words just pour out of your mouth while the tears start to run again.

You tell Kuina how you slowly developed such feelings for Chishiya, and how you've tried to approach him several times mostly without success. But then there has been the car scene and the hug on the roof. You tell her about the hopes you've had for this night, no matter how rightless they've been. And how those hopes have been crashed in a mere second.

"How are you supposed to love a person that cold and condescending? And how are you supposed not to? I feel so helpless whenever I am near him, and it only gets worse when he's not here."

Since you don't have anything else, you wipe your nose with the arm of your jacket and suppress a sob after you've finished talking.

Kuina examines you with pity in her eyes, but there's also understanding. She doesn't say anything for a while, but when she does, she also puts her hand on your shoulder and squeezes tight.

"Out of all the people here, you had to chose Chishiya... That's tough. Though if you ask me, you can be quite proud of yourself that you already got so much from him! At least you're not nobody to him."

"But I don't want him to hate me either."

Removing her hand, Kuina slightly shakes her head and the dreadlocks swirl around her face. "I don't think he hates you. It's just... have you ever visited a zoo?"

Startled by that weird question, you just nod.

"Take a look at the wild animals. In their habitat, it's not impossible to approach them. But as soon as they're caged, they become aggressive and want to break out. I think Chishiya isn't much different. He needs to be the one winning the game, and therefore he needs to be in control – of all things and all the time. And when you take that from him..."

Never forget who you're playing with.

Chishiya's words don't leave your mind, and maybe Kuina is right. Maybe he doesn't hate you, and maybe you can get some warmth again if you approach it his way. You still want this man so badly after all, but in those rare and tender moments you share, you forget that he's different, and that's the problem.

"I just want to hug him again..." you murmur, and Kuina chuckles next to you.

"Whew, you're definitely lost." She slides closer to you and gives you a warm grin. "I can't tell Chishiya to do anything, but I can give you a hug – if it helps."

And it does. Kuina puts her arms around you and holds you tight while your body is still shaking from the last sobs. It's so different than Chishiya's halfhearted touch, and only now you realize how much you needed some honest affection.

Kuina gently caresses your back while making some comforting noises, and after a few minutes, you're ready to let go.

"Thank you. I... that was necessary."

"No big deal!" She says with a smile. "Just come to me if you want to talk. Or if you want to rant about a certain stubborn."

Her words raise a smile from you, and while your eyes still burn, there are no more tears to come.

"Who knows how many times I'll have to take the offer in the future."

Kuina takes out her gum cigarette and nods towards the water. "Looking forward to it. Wanna go for a swim?"

"Nah", you say, "I'd rather try to get some more sleep." And you've definitely had have enough water for now. "But you helped me a lot already, so thank you."

You both say goodbye before you grab your jacket and finally get up. Your legs hurt after being in a sitting position that long, and you stretch your body to ease your muscles. Night is already waning and the sky is turning red, and before you go to bed, you want to watch the sunrise. Your mind is still too upset to sleep, and a nice and peaceful sunrise will certainly help you calm down entirely.

Just as you're about to enter the main hall, you catch something from the corner of your eye and you stand still to see what it is.

A sudden gasp escapes your mouth as you see Chishiya, standing in a dark corner and watching you with his hands tucked inside the hoodie. While you can't decide if you should be upset, angry, longing or just all of it, you wonder how long he has been standing there. Has he been able to overhear the conversation you've had with Kuina? Is it possible that he hasn't left the pool area at all?

You hurry to get inside so you won't do anything stupid (like start to cry again or beg him to give you another hug), but you can't remove his image from your mind.

How he just stares at you with his smirk and those eyes that rarely show any emotion.

And he doesn't even blink.

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