The Human Heart (rewritten)

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The rooftops of the Beach definitely are part of your favorite places. You like to come up here when the turmoil of all those people is becoming too much for you or when you want to think about something in silence. Of course you're not the only one who has discovered this place; but the people coming up here mostly leave each other alone.

There is another reason you come here sometimes though. A reason that is hurting you more than it makes you happy, and yet you're drawn to it and would do anything to feel it again, no matter how much it will agonize you afterwards.

He is there, of course. Sitting close to the edge, legs crossed and arms inside the pockets of his hoodie. It is a white one with black dots today, and you wonder how many stores he has roamed to get all those white clothes. But it doesn't matter, as he could wear a pink glittering dress and you'd still not be able to take your eyes off him.

It's no coincidence that you meet him here – in fact, you have seen him from below, just sitting there without no motion for almost two hours now. He's probably studying the people down in the pool area, taking guesses about who will die in the next game and who could be smart enough to survive.

You have seen him on the roof many times now. Most of the time, you just sit down in some distance and let your thoughts drift off while your eyes occasionally wander over to him, and now and then you have even shared a couple of words. Though it has never been something special, and he tends to end conversations pretty quickly.

Today, you hope he'll be in a mood to talk to you again. You haven't had contact since last night's game, and you want to feel the warmth inside of you again. There is an army of butterflies roaming through your stomach as you think about the car ride, the closeness to him that you were allowed to experience.

You barely slept afterwards, instead you busied yourself with recalling the events a thousand times. The short wave he had given you, how it had felt to rest your head on his shoulder, how his hair tickled your nose.

Would he have chosen to drive back with you if you hadn't misused him as a pillow the whole car ride? You'll probably never find out, but this will be a reminder to you for being careful with the things he allows you to do.

Chishiya is unpredictable for you, and there's this fear inside of you that he will never let you come that close to him again.

The butterflies almost make you feel sick. Sometimes, those feelings are too much for you to bear– falling for someone you can't truly have. This is why you want to hear his voice, so maybe the storm inside of you will calm down a bit at least for a little while. Even though he has been the one causing this bitter-sweet agony inside of you, he is the only one able to cure it.

You take a deep breath and sit down next to him, leaving enough distance that he won't feel too bothered in an instant.

"Hi," you say, and he turns his head to you just so slightly.

Watching you from the corner of his eye, Chishiya's mouth turns into a smirk. You have seen this condescending look so many times now; the barely noticeable raise of his brows, and you'd have given so much just to be able to see into his mind for once.


There is no annoyed sigh, no rolling eyes, no sign that he wants you to leave immediately. Chishiya's eyes return to watch the people down there as you don't make a move to continue this conversation, and you follow his example.

The people down there seem so small, and despite the never ending party down there, you feel completely untouched by the hustle and bustle. This is what being god must feel like; watching life going on from a distance.

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