Your Game, My Rules (rewritten)

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You wake up in broad daylight and you feel absolutely wonderful. Your wrist is slightly bruised from stumbling over the bottle, but you've experienced worse already. And the pain is worth the memories that come with it.

It's still hard to believe that this hug last night really happened. It feels indeed more like a dream, and the bluish skin around your wrist and the graze on the palm of your hand are the only proof that it wasn't just a thing your tired brain has made up.

Did Chishiya really allow you to hug him? And did he really agree to meet again today?

The memory makes you laugh. While Chishiya believes that love is just a weakness, you feel so courageous and confident right now, and you can't wait for the next night to come. You know it's not a date or something – he has stated clearly enough that it isn't – but it still means that you will see him again.

Why does he allow all this? Out of pity, or is there possibly a tiny part inside of him that enjoys those meetings? You remember how he has put his hand onto your back. He could have just waited for you to end the hug while standing still, but he didn't. And though you feel so close to him like never before, this man is still a complete mystery to you.

It is time to get up in the end, because you're starving and can't stay in bet all day. And besides there are some people you want to talk to, since you do have contacts other than Chishiya inside the Beach that you'd even call friends. Since no one can tell if they will return from their next game, you want to spend as much time with them as possible.

During the day, you search for blonde hair or a white hoodie now and then, but Chishiya doesn't seem to be around. Which is unusual, because even if you don't talk, you'd see him once in a while, strolling through the Beach either alone or in Kuina's company. But that is not the case today. Kuina is there, in the dining room, later walking through the entrance hall, but Chishiya isn't with her.

One time you dare to believe that you see his hoodie for a second, but it disappears faster than you could have followed it. The courage and happiness you felt after waking up is getting weaker with every hour and your thoughts go crazy the more you think about it. Maybe he is avoiding you because you did cross a line?

Maybe he is just busy though. As number seven in the ranking list of the Beach, there sure are some important things he has to do. No matter what, you have no other choice but wait for the night to fall, even though it almost drives you crazy.

You get to bed early and manage to sleep for a couple of hours, but then you're too nervous to stay in bed. You don't want to be late and fear that he will already have left if you take too long. Presuming he appears at all.

This night, you're smarter and pull over a thin jacket considering the nightly temperatures. And you also grab a towel, as you're going to meet at the pools after all. You have to sit down for a minute because the butterflies in your stomach rumor too heavily, and for a moment, you even feel sick. Fear and anticipation mix together, causing your hands to shiver. Once again, you want to curse that man for causing you such an emotional chaos, and you take some deep breaths before descending down the stairs.

Chishiya is already there, sitting at the edge of the main pool. One hand casually rests on his knees, the other supports his weight on the ground. Despite the hood drawn deep into his face, you're sure he is listening to music.

Your heart skips a beat and you're happy that he actually is here. You're not naïve enough to believe that he acts out of any romantic motives, but the fact that he sits there is enough proof that you're not all the same to him.

After a moment of hesitation you sit down next to him, placing the towel beside you.

Chishiya doesn't react at first, then plucks out his earpods and draws back the hood. A soft breeze waves through his hair, and it's hard to withstand his cold gaze.

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