"No dad! I don't." I rolled my eyes and walked past him ---- on my way to the car. He followed up next to me. I gave him back his credit card and stayed silent for the rest of the ride.

Two days later:

"No that's not what I said. I said "A Medical doctor is not the same thing as a psychiatrist.""

"No you sai-"

"Stop arguing!" My mom yelled at me and Neil. I went silent and finished my dinner --- I finished and ran up to my room. I slammed my door and started reading 'How To Kill A Mockingbird' for my English class.

We had to finish reading it before winter break was over, then write a two page essay about what the book taught us. It was pretty boring to me, that's why I haven't finished it yet. "Y/n." Suddenly a voice said. 

I jumped and fell off my bed --- I hit the floor with a hard grunt. 

I looked up and saw Bernard offering me his hand --- I took it as he pulled me up. "God, Bernard, you can't scare me like that."

"I'm sorry." He apologized.

"It's fine." I said while rubbing my throbbing head --- I must've hit it pretty hard for it to hurt this much. 

"Is everything okay up there?" My mom called from the kitchen I groaned and went to my door and pulled it open.

"Yeah! Everything's just fine!" I said half way out of my door frame. I pulled my self back in closing the door silently. I turned around to face Bernard. 

"Are you okay?" Bernard asked worriedly.

"Yeah, just hit my head. I'll be fine." He gave me a worried look "I'll be fine, I promise." I said giving him a smile. 


"So, uh, why are you here?"

"Oh, right you were arguing with your dad again. For the um, twentieth time? In the past day." 

"Stepdad" I corrected him through gritted teeth. "And yes, I have. Because he makes everything an argument!" 

"And that's why he's on the naughty list. Last time I heard. Well, not necessarily."

"No shit! Really?"

"Y/n! Never mind, yes he has made very- never mind that's not my story to tell. But, yes in fact he is on the naughty list this year I think."

I exhaled slowly "Wow" I took a second to process this --- I started fidgeting with my bracelet anxiously. I wanted to tell him, but it was hard to get it out without crying. Every time I though about it I burst into tears. 

"What's wrong?" 

I shook my head "Nothing." I said bluntly.

"Y/n somethings wrong... please tell me. I want to help." He gently placed his hand on my arm comfortingly. I took a deep breath,

"There's a girl... at my school s-she." I lowered my head --- he gently placed his hand on my chin and lifted my face to meet his. Tears trickled slowly down my rosy cheeks "Sh- she did this to me." I lifted up my sleeves to my shoulders, and pulled my shirt up so he could see my stomach. 

Big purple, and yellow bruises could be seen on my arms and stomach from where the girl --- Sasha --- had beat me up. "Oh, Y/n..." Bernard pulled me into a hug which I gladly returned. 

I sobbed into his shoulder, as he rubbed my back comfortingly. I took a deep breath to try and calm myself "Y/n I'm right here... your gonna be okay." His voice was soothing and re-assuring. 

I sobbed into his shoulder for a good twenty maybe thirty minutes until I finally calmed down. 

It calmed me. I caught my breath and calmed down. The tears stopped flowing from my eyes --- I pulled away, but he still kept his hands on my back. I wiped my tears from my eyes and looked at Bernard. "Wh- why would she do this to you?" 

"For looking the way I do..."

"That's ridiculous, have you told anyone else? Teachers? Your dad?" I shook my head no, truth be told he was the only one I have ever talked to about this. "Oh, Y/n. It's alright." He tucked my hair behind my ear and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead. 

"I don't want to go back, Bernard." 

"It's okay... I'll- hey! Why don't I come with you? To school I mean." 

"No, you don't have to."

"I do, I hate seeing you like this Y/n. If I was there I- I could... protect you." 

"Don't you have to run the workshop and the rest of the pole?"

"Your Santa's daughter Y/n. Your worth it." 


He gave me a smile, before giving me another hug. "I'll see you next Tuesday, right?" I nod my head yes. 

"See you then." He disappeared off to the pole with me still standing there. Alone. I hope he doesn't get beat up either. Who know how long this can last before he has to get back. 

Maybe he can only go to school with me when I have the same classes as her. I was overthinking things --- again. 

Oh, god I hope this doesn't become a disaster.


A/n: Here's a little look into her school life, and what has been happening there. Honestly I have no Idea how this is going to play out, so um stay tuned for that. 

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