Moon 56 || January 8, 2021

75 9 84

DriftClan Stats

Season: Leaf-fall | [2/3]
Weather: Windy
Event: None


Prey: 5
Herbs: 29
Sticks: 39
Berries: 0
Border Strength: 16.75/20


Cats: 28
Leader: 1
Deputy: 1
Medicine Cats: 4
Warriors: 13
Apprentices: 2
Kits: 6
Dead: 3


Leader's Den: 1 (1/1)
Medicine Den: 1 (4/5)
Warriors' Den: 2 (13/20)
Apprentices' Den: 1 (2/10)
Nursery: 1 (6/5)

🐾 Clan News 🐾

Update! There is one treason command and a new NPC!

Threats: threats can be written out in dirt or directly spoken to a cat. When written out in dirt, a cat can use /write (message) in dirt, and the whole clan will receive the message. There is no chance that the writer will be discovered, but this variant uses 1 energy. They can also be spoken directly to someone using /threaten (cat) by saying (message), and it will take no energy. However, there is a 25% chance of being seen- but only by one cat.

Fox: a friendly rogue named Fox will now come to visit every so often. For 50 resources of one type, he will give a pet of someone's choice to someone who wanted them. For 50 resources of different types, he will give a cat a randomized pet. Anyone can give Fox resources, but if five cats disagree with the choice to spend the resources, the trade is cancelled.

A law has been created by Whitestar!
"No cats will search for pets until the border is back up again and all cats are healed."

A message has been found in the dirt! It can be discussed in the Message Discussion Chain.

"Watch your back; some of us doubt your leadership."

Flutterstone wasn't healed and died!

Horizondawn was severely injured by Tree! [-3 Energy]

Butterflywish and Hollowberry were healed twice and are now healthy!

Crossfire was healed and is now healthy!

Whitestar has a reminder! (not a rule)
"Be sure to hunt and patrol. You can train and look for pets, but be sure to train the loyalty so they don't attack cats if you get one. If you don't hunt or patrol, the rule will go back up."

Burningash is temporarily being controlled by Twilight_Glow.

🐾 Clan Cats 🐾

⭐️ Whitestar | PrincessSunnyy
Fluffy white tom with yellow eyes
Best Friends with Burntslash
Hunting Skill: 5
Fighting Skill: 5
Gathering Skill: 5
Base Energy: 3
Lives: 6

⭐️ Claypool | Silverwind_of_MC
Chocolate brown tom with a lighter brown belly and face with blue eyes
Hunting Skill: 5
Fighting Skill: 5
Gathering Skill: 5
Base Energy: 3

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