A Wish Come true- Nalu

Start from the beginning

Lucy only pulled the covered further over her head. She heard mumbling on the other side of the door, but didn't bother trying to listen.

"Lucy, open the door or we are breaking it down!" Erza's powerful voice came.

"Just go away." Lucy cried in a hoarse tone.

"Will you quit being so stubborn!" Carla snapped.

"Calm down, Carla. She's just upset. Lucy, I know it hurts. We all lost someone important that day, but you can't stay in there forever. Natsu wouldn't want that." Wendy said. "Even Happy is trying."

Wendy's words struck her. She was right, Natsu wouldn't want her like this, no matter what happened. But she still couldn't bring herself to come out. Not yet. The wounds were still to raw and she didn't want anyone to see her this broken.

After a few more failed attempts to coax Lucy out, her friends let her be. Of course they would be back, but for now, Lucy was left to sit in the deafening silence.

Hours passed by and the silence was finally starting to get to her. She got out of bed, and she made her way to the bathroom. She took a long shower, followed by an equally long bath to try to soothe herself.

By the time she came out, it was dark, and Lucy soon found herself staring out the window. The same window he would always come in through.

For the first time since the incident, she actually felt like going outside.

So, she threw on a random pair of clothes and wrapped Natsu's scarf around her neck before she left.

The night air was cold, but Lucy didn't care. Her whole body felt numb and her mind was in such a haze. She wasn't really playing attention to where she was walking. She just wanted some fresh air in hopes to clear her head and stretch her stiff muscles.

Before she knew it, Lucy was in front of her parent's graves. She smiled sadly as she stopped at the two well kept graves.

"Hi mom...hi dad. It's been a while...hasn't it?" Lucy asked, but knew she wouldn't get an answer. "I...I just lost someone recently. Someone really important to me, and...I don't think I'll be able to heal this time."

Lucy felt the tears coming again, but she didn't care one bit. She let them flow, not bothering to wipe them away.

"It was Nastu...I'm sure you remember him from my letters. He is my best friend and I love him so much. So, so much and it's killing me that he isn't here." Lucy choked up.

Her shaky hands subconsciously made their way to the scarf and crushed the fabric between her palms. Her body began to shake and her legs wobbled beneath her. She felt so helpless that she couldn't do anything to help him when he needed it the most.

Lucy fell to her knees and screamed out in pain at the top of her lungs. She screamed and whaled until her throat hurt too much to go on. Slowly, she dissolved into soft cries and hunched over in front of her parents graves.

"Why...why did he have to go?" Lucy sobbed quietly. "It isn't fair. He didn't do anything wrong. If anyone should still be here, it's him. He might be destructive and a complete idiot at times, but he had the biggest heart I've ever known. He...he should be here. I wish he could come back."

Lucy suddenly glanced up at the star filled sky. A strange feeling bubbled up in her, and the next thing she knew, she wasn't sad anymore. She was angry.

Lucy scrambled to her feet, barely able to keep herself steady and pointed up at the night sky.

"Hey! Whoever is up there, I don't care who it is! Whether it's mom or dad, a Celestial spirit, or even a complete stranger, it doesn't matter. Whoever you are, you have to bring Natsu back! I don't care that he is E.N.D, or what he has done in the past! I just want him back the way he was, without being tied to that stupid book...that is my one wish as a Celestial Wizard...so make it happen. Please...I'll do...anything..." Lucy trailed off.

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