Felicity squints her eyes.

"I find that really hard to believe when his drug trafficker was just murdered a few days ago," She says.

I furrow my eyebrows. I know she ain't talking 'bout who I think she talkin' 'bout.

"Did you really think I wouldn't find out?" She asks.

"Look I don't know what the fuck you talkin' 'bout but can we continue this conversation inside? I ain't plan on dying today," I say.

I shake my head as I walk to the front door. I can't believe this hoe showed up outside my house. And who knows how long she been standing there? Anybody coulda been watching us. All I know is, whatever she here for, that shit better be important. Bitch risking my life and shit.

I stick my key in the front door and unlock it. I hold the door open so Felicity can walk through first. The sooner I get her inside the better. Shit, if I could push her ass inside without gettin' arrested, I would.

Once she's made her grand entrance, I slam the door behind her. 

"Now what the fuck you was saying 'bout Ace's drug trafficker?" I ask.

Felicity turns around to face me.

"I think you already know what I'm talking about," She says.

"Look, bruh. Now ain't the time to be beating 'round the bush. Say what you gotta say so you can get the fuck out before somebody recognize that car out there," I say.

She eyes me awhile before she comes out with it.

"Angel's dead."

I couldn't have heard that right.

"Angel who?" I ask.

Felicty rolls her eyes as she walks away.

"You can save the theatrics. I know you knew Angel was dead just like you know Ace is in town," She says.

I follow her down the hall.

"How the fuck would I know Angel is dead? And what the fuck that gotta do with you thinkin' Ace is in town?" I ask.

"Oh you mean besides the fact that Angel was killed a week after you told Ace to come home?" She asks.

I smack my teeth, but the bitch might be onto something. From what I know, Angel was damn near impossible to touch 'cause he was impossible to get close to. The only person who had enough time to get close to Angel was Ace. He worked for the nigga for three years.

I guess Cam was right. Angel did have a weakness and Ace must've used it to take his ass out. If we was talkin', I'd congratulate him on a job well done. I mean, I been wanting that nigga Angel dead since he put four holes in my chest. But since me and Ace still not fuckin' with each other, I do the next best thing which is cover for him.

"That don't mean Ace did it. Angel was a plug. He prolly had enemies from here to Cuba for all you know," I say.

Felicity scoffs, "Yeah, right."

As we walk into the living room, I grab a seat on my couch since it look like this bitch 'boutta be here awhile.

"I'm just saying. You never been able to look at the whole picture. You was always too focused on Ace," I say.

I scoot to the edge of the couch.

"Matter fact, fuck was you doing chasing Ace around when Angel was sitting right there anyway?" I ask.

Felicity walks back and forth in front of me.

"Not that it matters, but if you must know there's corruption in every agency across this nation. The government is no different," Felicity says.

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