Blooming emotions [Ben Barnes x Reader]

Start from the beginning

In a way you were happy to see him less, hoping to try to get over your feelings for him. But then you were upset because you knew how hard it has been each time he was gone and now you were preparing to do the same, putting even bigger of a gap between you. Maybe that's how it was supposed to be, maybe you were just not meant to be.

Ben opened the door to the restaurant, waiting for you to step in as he followed close by. You headed towards the hall, the restaurant silent and dark like never before.

"What is going on?" Ben spoke up as you walked further, a deep frown sitting across his face as you walked beside him.

"Maybe they are closed," you added nonchalantly.

The lights turned on revealing the sea of people at the back of the restaurant shouting, "Welcome back!"

Ben started laughing as he looked around the people, each of his friends welcoming him with a warm smile. "Was it you?" he asked chuckling.

"We couldn't celebrate your birthday, so I thought we could celebrate you coming home," you tilted your head innocently, a wide grin spread across your face as you watched his happy expression.

"Thank you," he smiled, pulling you into a hug and hinting a tiny kiss on your forehead, before he headed off to talk to everyone and thank them for coming to his party.

The time flew by as you watched Ben talk to each of his friends, sipping on his champagne, cutting his cake, have a laugh with the guests. Just seeing him be comfortable and happy made you feel content. You would have done anything to make him feel like the most special person to ever exist.

Because in your eyes he was.

You loved to watch his laughing form, his voice awakening the little butterflies in your tummy, his happy tone making you all giddy even when he wasn't talking to you. You didn't understand how it was even remotely possible to love someone so strongly, but you just did and never regretted it, because he deserved all the love.

You sat at the corner, watching him talking to whoever walked up to him, when his eyes met yours. You smiled at him raising your glass towards him which he returned with an even wider grin, before another group of friends took his attention from you.

As you watched his interactions with all the guests, you felt slightly jealous. Not because he was paying attention to someone else or because he wasn't talking to you at that moment. It was because you wished you could talk to him so openly, without harbouring feelings for him that you shouldn't have. You didn't mind loving him as a friend, he was important to you, but since the very moment you realised you were looking at him differently, everything became harder.

You always had to pay attention to what you were saying, not to blurt out your secret. You always focused on how long you were hugging him, how you attempted to touch him, were these affectionate moments appropriate for your friendship? All sorts of thoughts haunted you and at times being beside him was difficult, although worth it.

You heaved a deep sigh as you started walking towards the exit to get some fresh air. You needed to clear your mind to be able to go back and talk to him just like a best friend would, without any additional and confusing feelings.

You sat down on one of the five stairs that led up to the restaurant and started sipping your champagne that seemed to be less bubbly than before. The chilly weather outside made you shake a little, goosebumps apparead on your arms.

"What are you doing out here?" you heard his deep voice, his accent making you smile.

"I just came out to get some fresh air," you replied as you looked up at him.

Ben Barnes and Characters one shots [x Reader] + photosWhere stories live. Discover now