Specimen | Albedo

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x female reader

This oneshot may be repulsive to some. I advise you proceed whilst knowing and understanding this information.

"All of my research and progress, gone! And all because of a mere babe."

The world was a convoluted, boring little sphere that struggled to strike the young Alchemist's fancy. To him, it seemed as if nothing else, other than the mysteries the world has to offer, was interesting. That was, until a beaut with the most gorgeous locks of H/C hair and shining E/C eyes passed by him.

The lad caught a whiff of her fragrant hair as they softly brushed passed each other, the flowery scent of nature engulfing his nose, swiftly traveling through his mind and every fiber of his being like he'd been caught under a vile witch's spell.

At that time, it seemed as if time had come to a stop, allowing him to bask in the glory of this fascinating creature.

'How have I not found out about her existence sooner?'

He asked himself then as he abruptly turned around to reach out for this person, only to have realized that she'd already dispersed through the crowd.

That was when he lost who he once was.

All his goals, what he'd been researching for, everything, suddenly gone and out of his reach. Everything was now all about this specimen that he's yet to research, dissect, explore. Alchemy no longer interested him, chalk was no longer the essence of his very being. This thing, person, whatever it was, was now the only thing on his mind.

"All of this is because of you, you know that, right?"

He didn't understand why he was so incredibly desperate to have his hands on this specimen, but he didn't care. His mind was already clouded by obsession, and he could no longer be redeemed. Not that it mattered anymore.

He searched desperately for you and researched everything about you thereafter.

"Subject 035, are you listening?"

Everything about you.

You age, height, blood type, last name, your family tree, your friend's mother's maiden name, what type of music you liked, how many clothes you had in your drawer, how many times a day you cleaned yourself, how much you touched yourself under the silken sheets of your mattress.

It felt as if he was observing the growth and the development of a new species, and it entertained him to no end.

Eventually, he received access to you.

That was when you lost your freedom.

"Subject 035!"

Albedo's voice startled you from your daze, making you shiver. The sight of your weak body, submitting to his beck and call. It was fascinating. Seeing you up close interested him even more than the traveler did, even more than life itself did.

He reached out and grazed his nails against the cold and flat surface of your skin, his blood pumping in his veins excitedly.

Seeing you whimper and sob out in fear, beg for mercy, curl up in a ball oh so hopelessly.

He found it simply fascinating.

It didn't matter to him what you thought. It didn't matter to him what you wanted. You were just a source of ecstasy to him. To him, you were just a thing. A research.

A specimen.


"A yandere isn't just all about murderous infatuation or stalking the one the yandere has taken an interest to. If you wish to truly make a yandere terrifying, take into account their main attributes; obsession, possession, envy, greed."

-- Someone. Me, probably. To myself. In the mirror. Maybe not. 2021-2022

Thank you for the person that requested a yandere Albedo! It helped me explore my writing quite a bit.

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