Twenty Two | Coney Island

Start from the beginning

"Gwen!" I said, making my way over to her.

"Hey Peter," she smiled. "What's up?" she asked, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I was thinking we could get some investigating done tomorrow." I suggested, and Gwen deflated.

"Shit." she cursed, turning back to her phone.

"What?" I asked, and Gwen looked up again.

"I said I'd go to Coney Island with Whitney tomorrow," she groaned, typing something out, and for a moment I almost wanted to let her send it.

"It's okay! I can investigate on my own!" I blurted, and Gwen turned.

"Are you sure? Cause I mean, you could alway come with us..." she suggested, and offered me a small smile.

"Maybe..." I said, and we walked off, heading for the train station.

"So, d'you maybe wanna get a snack at Delmar's? His place reopened a few days ago." Gwen put in, and I nodded.


We ended up getting a second lunch at Delmar's before heading back to Gwen's apartment to continue our research.

"Okay, so I figured we could start systematically checking the Obituaries since we have no way to access Hospital records." I said, flopping down into one of Gwen's swivel chairs, and went rolling across the room.

"Okay, real quick before we get started I'm gonna create a group chat with You Me, MJ and Ned okay?" Gwen spoke up, setting her phone face up on the desk.

"Yeah! Sure." I said, and she nodded, going silent for a moment before she set her phone face down.

"I'll check the obituaries for car accidents." I said, opening my computer. "D'you think you can work on finding out who Kingpin is?"

"You got it!" Gwen said, pulling out her computer.

We ended up working for three hours and it was around five o'clock when May walked in. I started, quickly switching tabs as May came over to give me a hug.

"Hey Pete, dinner's ready in five." she said, and Gwen waved.

"Hi May!" she beamed, and May smiled so that the corners of her eye crinkled.

"Feel free to come on over and eat with us." she offered, and Gwen shook her head politely.

"I've got a bowl of instant ramen with my name on it." she joked, and May laughed, making her way out, and after a few seconds I heard the door shut.

I stared after her, wondering how she got in and Gwen almost seemed to read my mind.

"I gave her a spare key." she said, holding up her copy of her house key on a chain around her neck.

I hadn't found anything of interest, and I was halfway through packing up when Gwen spoke up.

"Peter, you might wanna see this..." she said numbly, and I walked over.

I nearly dropped my backpack when I read the title of the document she was looking at.

"Where are you?" I asked, referring to the website.

"I looked up known Maggia members and on like, the seventeenth page this website popped up. I had to- I had to bypass the first firewall, but when I did this showed up." she said breathlessly.

"Send me the link, will you?" I asked, before realising something. "Wait, you know how to hack?"

"Yeah, Felicia taught me how to bypass a simple firewall, I'm just thankful I remember how to do it..." Gwen said, before her face drained of colour.

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