Ch. 10 Electrical Advantages

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Our group hides back behind the column for protection, and when Pikachu releases a thunderbolt, Ash decides to face it head on. I knew this was only worse because this was his best friend, we was facing. I crane my neck to notice Serena's face in agony and worry. I console her with a pat on the shoulder, and she looks over gratefully, pain still clear as day on her face. 

We see the Pokémon buzzing with electricity, standing their without a shred of emotion. Ash lets out a cry of pain and we all freeze with worry. Clemont manages to break out before yelling to Ash, "It's too dangerous! Stop!" But we all knew he wouldn't, when did he ever quit?

I just stand there in awe when Ash begins his declaration. "I can't let Team Rocket use these Pokémon. No way. There's No Way!" He says, standing up, clearly in pain. He slowly begins walking forward, despite the electricity coursing through him.

As he mutters and groans in pain, he finally makes it to his Pikachu. His eyes still glowed a vibrant red, as Ash edged closer. He leans down, his fingers just barely grazing Pikachu's chin, as she mutters his name in a final attempt. I swear I hear, him say a slight "pika" in reply.

"I'm gonna get you out of here." Ash continues. "And I'm not gonna stop until I do." I can tell he is on the edge of collapsing, but all we could do was wait in worry, horror, and awe. Though Clemont's eyes seem to show more awe than the rest of us. I file the though away for later.

I see Team Rocket running around on the deck above, it showed just how close Ash was to breaking Pikachu's trance. Suddenly I hear the noise wave frequencies turn up and I cover my eyes, for a quick second.

Luxio suddenly comes charging at Ash, to stop the possible break in Pikachu's control, Ash just looks shellshocked. "Stop it!" I hear out of nowhere. Us girls let out a squeak of surprise as we see Clemont gone from our side, charging to take the hit meant for Ash. 

As Luxio lets out large charges of energy, Clemont hugs him desperately. He attempts to talk him down, and break the trance, much like Ash did. However once again, the noise wave frequency is turned up, and Clemont lets out a cry of pain. 

We run up in worry, ready to help, but Clemont is still hugging Luxio trying to talk him out of the trance. I notice Luxio slowly breaking from the trance, but just then the ring turns to red, and I know that we have to override the system, now.

We all point out the color, but we also know that Clemont won't fix it until he has Luxio back. Clemont begins using his Clemontic gear to override the system, and though his eyes remain a freakish red, he seems to be back to normal. I duck down and shield Bonnie, while electricity shakes through the building.

When I open my eyes I notice the noise waves have stopped and I release Bonnie so she could reunite with Dedenne. Me and Serena share a smile at Ash's reunion with Pikachu, and breathe a sigh of relief. Clemont flops onto Luxio, clearly exhausted. We all express concern, but he assumes us he is simply tired as he pets his Pokémon in adoration.

All of a sudden, a blue glow slowly begins to surround Luxio. I wear an expression of pure joy as I watch him become Luxray. I stand in awe, as it begins using Electric Terrain. Suddenly, I note that he had used it to blow up the many antennas in the room, so no more noise waves will be used. Almost as smart as your trainer, I think.

I didn't specifically have an electric type Pokémon, so I happily watched as Ash, Clemont, and all the wild Pokémon make Team Rocket, go 'blasting off again.' We all giggle amongst ourselves happily.

When we were planning to leave I had slightly tuned out the workers, only noting when they said they could keep Lumoise City running. My wandering mind was snapped to reality by Clemont's statement, "And I learned something else from you Ash." Ash cuts him short saying, "I didn't do anything, we were able to get all of the Pokémon out of there thanks to you." "He's right." Serena cut in me and Bonnie voiced out agreements as well.

Clemont didn't seem to know what to do with the given praise, "Well, thank you all. It's nice to know you feel that way." He trailed off. I knew he had more on his mind than he was willing to say, but if it didn't come out soon, I might have to start prying.

When one of the workers board the helicopter, saying how he is heading to Lumiose City, I see the light bulb go off in Clemont's head. Well, at least he figured it out for himself. He steps forward, and asks to join him, we all stand a little shocked, but I knew he had good reasoning.

I stand there silently as Clemont explains that he has to go home and train. He wanted to be ready for when me and Ash face him for a gym battle. It made sense, but clearly Bonnie didn't want to see him go. Me and Ash nod in understanding, but both swear no matter what we aren't going to lose. Serena and I are tasked to look after Bonnie, and I pull her into my side to comfort her as she fought back tears. 

We see Clemont off, and Bonnie fighting back tears more than the rest of us, but me and Ash still make clear our plans for victory in the upcoming battle.

Hey readers! I did it! And Happy MLK Jr Day! Hope you enjoyed your day off if you're in school like me. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I want the next time out about this same time next week, so Monday or Tuesday next week? Roughly, but have a nice week! Bye and tell me what you think.

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