Chapter 1

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This story takes place sometime in season 1 of Young Justice. And in the DP universe, this is set after D-stabilized and before Phantom Planet. Danny has all of the powers he possessed at the end of the siris plus a couple more that I have not mentioned yet. Anything 'bolded' in this story is through Megan's mind link.

Sorry if I mess anything up in this story, like the timeline or how the characters act. I have only seen season 1 of Young justice and have not read any of the young justice comics.

Enjoy. <3


It was a pretty quiet day so far at Mount Justice, there were no alarms, no attacks, not even an explosion from the kitchen... Surprisingly. The silence was short-lived however as a yellow streak flew down the hallway followed by a tail of sparking lightning, the sound of running echoing through the cave hallways that were carved into the mountain to create the base. Said base used to belong to none other than the Justice League team. But after its location had been reviled it was now housing a team of young sidekick superheroes.

"Mission, mission, mission!" The streak chanted with excitement, his voice being warped as it sped through the mountain hideout. Further down the hall, not far behind the streak but clearly not as fast was a younger-looking woman with green skin, red hair, and a blue cape that flicked back and forth. She giggled at the speedy teen's excitement as she floated down the hall a foot off the ground, her legs tucked under her.

The streak suddenly skidded to a stop once he reached an open room, most likely the center of the base. The roof was far above anywhere else in the cave and it had white lights attached so it could provide bright light for the whole room. There were already a couple of young recognizable heroes standing in the center of the room, waiting for their next instructions. The kid now jogged over to stand next to his teammates. Now he wasn't running at super-speed you could see that he was a red-headed boy and he was wearing a friction-proof yellow suit, one very similar to the design of The Flash's. "What is it? What do we have?" The boy asked, childish excitement filling his voice.

A boy dressed in red, yellow, and black pinched the bridge of his nose shaking his head. Even with his domino mask hiding his eyes you could still tell he was slightly annoyed by his best friend's over-enthusiasm of the announcement. In an instant, you could tell that this boy was Robin, the famous sidekick of Batman. The raven-haired boy looks up to the sound of their leader, Aqualad's voice. "Kid, these missions aren't games." The Atlantian scolded cooly.

"I know, but we haven't had one in months!" Wally exclaimed throwing his hands out to the side.

The green woman made it to the room, she was now joined by a tall boy with dark short hair, and a black and red superman shirt. The boy seemed not so interested in the conversation that was going on. "It has only been 3 weeks Wally," Megan stated as she drifted over to join the team who were standing in a sort of 'attempted' circle in the center of the room.

"Well, it has felt like forever." The red-headed boy complained crossing his arms tapping his foot on the ground repeatedly at a very fast speed. Artemis looked over at him and rolled her eyes, fiddling with the tip of a green arrow in her hand, being careful not to cut herself. Robin opened his mouth to say something, probably a joke, when the sound of the Zetta beam teleporter went off.

"Recognized: Batman 02" The robotic female voice announced. Robins back straightened and the room fell quiet, all arguing stopped. Batman walked over to the group of teens, his presents looming ominously over the group.

"Two days ago, this lab was attacked." The black-clad vigilante started, not waiting a second for introductions. he pulled out a small remote from his sleeve and pointed it at a large screen attached to the wall above them. A surveillance video started playing on the screen, the video showed a woman with black hair tied up in a messy bun behind her head, and blue safety glasses over her eyes. She was working on a piece of hovering green technology, circles of energy were propelled out of the bottom causing it to hover slightly above the table, much like an alien spaceship in the movies.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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