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I go visit him 5 hours later, to find him still wincing in pain. A part of me hurts seeing him like this, but the other part is so glad. He deserves it. He rejected me even though he is the one who fucked up. Well, we both did. It's a blurry line.

"So, are we going to talk about this? Because, let me tell you, my mind is not in the best place right now." I tell him and he looks at me angrily.

"What do you want to talk about?" He asks while droplets of sweat run on his temples. I didn't know silver bullets wounds have such a painful healing process.

"We met at Doni's. You were bitten and drunk and didn't recognize my scent." I tell him.

"Yes." He says and closes his eyes frowning in pain. Maybe I should give him some morphine. "Is this going anywhere?" He asks annoyed. I guess no morphine it is.

"That night, I was mad at Sara. She wanted me to turn her and I was scared. I was so high and drunk." I tell him.

"You killed that family." He says and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"And then I injected myself with 12 doses of garlic serum." I tell him and take a deep breath trying to contain my emotions. "I was out for 3 months." I tell him. "I should have died."

"I don't know what you want me to say." He says and looks away from me.

"I just need you to fill the gaps. I need to know this is not another coma dream or whatever the fuck has been going on with my mind." I tell him and he looks at me confused.

"You thought Sara was your mate because she smelled like me." I tell him and he looks down with guilt.

"I didn't know how the bond felt. I was confused. Her house smelled like you, her skin smelled like you. I convinced myself she is the one. She never spoke about you." He tells me.

"When did you realize I was your mate?" I ask him trying to contain my tears. This conversation is more painful than I thought it would be.

"It was very hard since you were injecting yourself with garlic serum daily. I slowly figured it out. It was not your scent that tipped me off, but the pull I felt towards you. I knew a mate bond is unbreakable, so I figured out Sara was not my mate. Then I slowly put the pieces together and it all came crushing down on me. She was pregnant, we were about to get married." He stops talking and lets out a deep sigh.

"I am sorry I couldn't save them. The pain of losing her, it was too much for me."

"Do not talk to me about loss!" He barks at me furiously.

"I lost her too! I lost my fuckin' mind after that! I spent another two months in a coma because I had so much garlic serum in my body trying to function around the two of you that when I injected myself with another two doses that day, my body shut down." I bark back at him.

"And why was it so hard to be around us? Did you love her that much?" He spats at me.

"No! I didn't love her, you bloody idiot!" I tell him and stand up.

"Where are you leaving?" He asks me trying to get up.

"I recommend you get some sleep for an hour or two. This conversation is over!" I tell him and walk out the room.

"Lisa?" I approach a nurse that is looking at some charts.

"Yes, doctor Black?" She turns around with a warm smile on her face.

"The patient in room 1 needs a strong sedative. He is a Lycan, so make sure he gets a double dose." I tell her and she nods and walks away.

I go back to my lab and lock the door behind me. I sit down and open my desk drawer where the garlic serum doses are still stashed. I take all doses and walk out. I go to the reception and place them on the desk.

"Could you please make sure these are disposed of? They have expired." I tell our new reception girl. Still haven't caught her name yet. She nods and I turn and walk away.

I drive towards the pack territory to visit Ella. I need to see if Helena really exists or if she was invented by my mind as well. I find Ella in the maternity ward, in her office, as usual.

"Hello, crazy cat!" She greets me with one of her warm hugs.

"Hey, nerd!" I answer to her and she giggles.

"Not your highness today?" She asks cheerily.

"Do you want me to go back to that?" I ask her with a smug look on my face.

"By all Gods, no. You do realize I am an introvert and I have to be surrounded by all these people every day, all day, right?" She says and rolls her eyes.

"How do you handle all this? I mean, you make it look like you were born for this, but we both know how you really are." I ask her and she smiles to herself.

"At first, I focused on David and Leo, but after seeing how much good I can put out there in the world, I started focusing on that. Now, I live for all of this." She says.

"But what about yourself? Are you happy? Are you at peace?" I ask her.

"I am both. I have a wonderful life, Eva, beyond anything I could ever imagine. I don't live to be queen. I live to help. That was always my calling." She tells me and her face lights up with joy. "But enough about me, have you come visit me because of something?" She asks me. Sometimes, she knows me too well.

"I just wanted to let you know I am alright." I tell her and she smiles. "And to wish you a Happy New Year!"

"Happy new year, crazy cat!"

"And also, is there an Elder called Helena in the council?" I ask her.

"No. There is no one with that name. Why do you ask?"

"I don't know. It just came to my mind. Bye, nerd!" I tell her, kissing her cheek.

"Come back soon!"

Eva's Sins (Black Series 5) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now