Give me one reason

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It's been one week since I last saw him. His mark has faded a little but it still hurts like a bitch. I can't move my arm properly, I can't even turn my neck around. And the constant craving for him, it's driving me crazy. I can't work, I can't do anything. I just think about his hand playing with my breast and him entering me from behind.

"Dr. Black?" The nurse pulls me out of my hot daydream about Adam. I hide my face embarrassed by my thoughts but the nurse seems clueless.

"There is a patient in room 1. He seems to have been in a fight." She says and I roll my eyes taking another sip from my blood bag.

"Why isn't doctor Langley handling it?" I ask her annoyed.

"He asked for you." She says and I frown. I walk towards room 1, looking at my study notes and pull the curtains for privacy immediately after I enter the room. I am too annoyed to stop reading my notes. My heart stops when I finally look up and see Adam seated on the bed. Shit! Fuck! How is he here? What do I do now? Don't let him get to you, Eva! After a few seconds of mentally cursing, I put on my "I don't care" face and walk towards him.

"I guess I don't need to introduce myself." I tell him while I study his injuries. I think I see bullet holes? What in the name of the Gods?

"I guess not." His voice is hoarse as he winches in pain.

"Can you lay down?" I ask him, taking the scissors to cut his tshirt open.

"Not until you pull all this silver out of me so I can start healing." He says with the same hoarse voice. I hurry up and cut open his tshirt.

"What happened?" I ask him worried.

"Will you just take these out already and stop with the questions?" He growls at me but I don't get angry at him. I know he is in pain and also, I can't let him het to me.

"Turn around so I can get the one on the back of your shoulder." I tell him and he obbeys.

"Don't you want some morphine first?" I ask him visibly concerned.

"Just pull the fucking bullet, Eva!" He mutters between his gritted teeth.

I carefully insert the clamp and manage to secure the bullet in my hold. He keeps growling and puffing as I pull it out. I put big bandage over the whole and move to the one in his chest. A few centimeters lower and it would have hit his heart.

"We need an OR for this one. It might have punctured your lung." I tell him but he grabs the clamp from my hand and inserts it in the bullet hole himself, fishing it out. Then, he passes out.

I enter in full panic mode when I see him collapse on the bed but just as I was taking his vitals, I notice the wound on his chest doesn't bleed as much. It means there is no more silver in his body and the healing process kicked in. I realize tears are running down my cheeks as I sit beside his bed. How do I do this? How do I make him love me when he even rejected me as his mate? How do I tell him that I've loved him all these months and that he was in my dreams. I continue to cry at his side, knowing that this is my punishment for my sins. I have killed that family, I have lied to my family about Sara, I have done all the drugs in this world. Who knows how many people I've killed while being high? I deserve this. I am a Reaper.

"Thank you!" His voice startles me and I quickly wipe my tears away before looking at him. His eyes are blood shot from all the pain he must still have.

"I'll give you some morphine while you heal and you can leave when you are ready." I tell him as I stand up and head for the medicine cabinet and take out a bag of serum and some morphine.

"I don't need that." He tells me and I put them back into the cabinet.

"Alright. Then I will let you get some rest." I tell him as I feel my heart pounding in my chest.

"Stay with me." He tells me as he struggles to keep his eyes opened.

"I have my work to do. Other people that might need me. I can't just stay here!" I tell him and he frowns in disapproval.

"Stay!" His voice is much louder this time as he winches in pain again.

"Give me one reason why I should stay!" I tell him a little annoyed.

"Because you are my mate." He tells me and my anger rises to the surface.

"Don't mean to be rude as this is definitely not the moment, but last time I checked, you rejected me!" I hiss at him, trying not to cause a massive scene right now.

"If you stay, I will heal faster and I can be out of your hair in a couple or hours." He says and I lose it.

"You truly are an asshole! You know what? We are out of morphine! Enjoy your stay with us!" I hiss at him and storm out of the room with tears running down my cheeks. I quickly wipe them away and walk towards the nurse.

"The patient in room 1 will be sleeping for the next 8 hours. I stiched him up and gave him a strong sedative. Make sure nobody goes in but me." I tell her and walk away with a smile on my face and a scorching burn where my mark is. If I am gonna hurt, he might as well get a taste of his fuckin' medicine!

Eva's Sins (Black Series 5) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now