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Here are the characters answering your questions, sorry for the delay school has been really annoying lately.
@aly_barrera Ask Luke to be your boyfriend?
*everyone coughs awkwardly*
Michael: Heyy! Don't tell him, he's sitting right there.
Luke: *blushes*
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic Why are you so friggin adorable? Btw I love you.
Michael: *giggles* I LOVE YOU TOO you person I don't know.
Luke: Hey, Mikey you can't just love her, you don't even know her!
Michael: It's okay Lukey, don't worry, she loves you too.
Luke: *frowns and mumbles* ...that's not what I meant...
@aly_barrera Do you like Michael? more than a friend!?
Luke: ..of course I like Michael...I'd rather not answer the seconds bit, thanks.
Ashton: *pushes in between Luke and Michael on that couch* Bitch please, we all know your muke af.
Me: Fxck yes! *high fives*
Luke: Shut up.
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic What's the one thing you miss seeing the most out of everything you used to be able to see? Or. If you could give up one other sense to get your sight back which one would you trade?
Luke: oh wow, um... I guess it would be being about to see the stars at night. I used to go outside in my backyard whenever I couldn't sleep and the stars always looked so beautiful and I've always had this obsession with them and how they we so far away yet now they have become out of my limit, at least then even if I couldn't reach them I could see them, now I can't even do that..I..I..yeah. Moving on. *sniffles*
Michael: Aww Lukey, it's day time now, no one can see the stars *hugs Luke tightly* I can tell you what they look like tonight, I promise!
Luke: T..thanks Mike.
Ashton and Calum: Awwwwwwwww
*Liz walks in*
Liz: Luke why are you crying? OMG my bæ are you okay!? Why are your eyes red, have you been smoking the weeds!!!?
Luke: Oh my gosh mum please never say that again.
Liz: Oh, but I thought I was hip..
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic Do you like da ass-smash-ash?
Calum: *frowns* The what?
Ashton: *shifts away from Calum uncomfortably*
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic U like da hoodzilla? Cause I'm pretty sure you doo.
Ashton: *moves off of couch and onto floor*
Me: To answer the question for Ash, no he doesn't like the hoodzilla...he loves it.
Liz (Luke's mum):
@TheAmazingWorldOfFics Y u so fabulous.
Liz: *flips hair* it's called swag! I learned it from my son.
Luke: *face palms*
Michael: Liz you are funny! *giggles*
John (Michael's dad):
@Ellafa So tell me, why you don't like your some to be around a blind (cute) boy?
John: *in separate interview room* Actually I just don't want Mike to be around gays like that Lucas kid, I don't need my son to be tainted with all that forbidden, wr-
Me: HOE OKAYYYY. That's enough of that. Next question.
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic Could you do me a favour? Dig a hole, put a box in the hole, sit in the box, close the box, then have someone burry the box. Tnx.
Me: Slay! *highfives*
Me: Thank gosh.
Luke's Bullies:
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic Y u gotta be so rood.
Luke's bullies: *punches other kid at school*
Me: ...don't you know I'm human too..
@Ellafa What's your nationality?
Me: I'm Australian (literally live in the same city as 5SOS ayeee) but my parents are from Macedonia so I'm half Macedonian as well.
@TheAmazingWorldOfFic Why u so cool?
Me: I'm a wizard, it's magic.
Thanks for your questions guys, next few updates should happen tomorrow.
Kat xx

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