Chapter 2

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How are you? Tomorrow I will be 21! I can't wait to continue my campaign towards death. 

(January 6, 2021 is when I wanted to post chapter 2 but forgot about it and didn't finish writing.)


Oracle and Spoiler are sitting unmasked in the living room of a large manor. This manor belongs to Bruce Wayne or secretly called Batman. Oracle is revealed to be a young woman named Barbara and Spoiler is named Stephanie. They are playing on these portable gaming devices in the colors either blue or white with black trim respectively.

"Do you ever wonder if we have lived past lives?"

"No. One life is enough."

"What are you guys doing? We have a meeting in the batcave in ten minutes."

Barbara looks at him with a dead look in her tired eyes. The cryptid message hasn't been deciphered and trying to get the media to get the facts right. Everything has been draining.

"Eat a nugget, you purple monkey."

Stephanie looks at her with a confused look on her face, wondering if she said anything or if this was fever dream.

"Did that narwhal just talk?"

She has spent her nights trying to catch a Shiny Pok*mon. She did not catch anything, just 16 Rattas.

"....What is wrong with you two?"

They look at him with suspicious eyes.

"What an ugly roach.... such big ears....."

"Nothing but ears....."



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