Loves Clarity- Nalu (part 1)

Start from the beginning

"I see." Nina remarked. "That might have been more convincing if you haven't mentioned his name."

"Oh...right..." Lucy blushed.

"So, what is the problem?" Nina pressed. "Does he not love you?"

"I...I don't know. Honestly, I'm not even sure how I feel about him." Lucy admitted. "I like having him around and everything but...I just don't know."

Nina hummed to herself for a moment in thought. She has heard many people with similar problems and was always able help them with the perfect potion or charmed item. She mentally went over all her potions until she thought of the one needed.

"In that case, I have just the thing." Nina suddenly said.

She ducked behind the counter and began to rummage through a few boxes. Lucy peeked over the desk curiously until Nina sprang up with a small pink bottle in hand.

"This is exactly what you need." Nina assured as she set it down on the counter.

Lucy looked over the small bottle that looked to be a love potion from the designs and color of it. The words "loves clarity" was written on its label as well.

"No thanks. I don't need a love potion." Lucy replied. "That would just complicate things even more."

"Oh, but this isn't a love potion." Nina assured.

"It's not? Than what does it do?" Lucy asked.

"It is true that it is similar to that of a love potion, but it does not force false love, like a typical love potion. Instead, this potion helps you to see who you are truly in love with. Whatever doubts or uncertainties you have about you feelings, this potion will show you the truth." Nina explained."So, would you like it?"

"I...I don't know..." Lucy muttered. "I don't think so. Plus, I'm running low on funds and I have to pay my rent."

"You can take it for free then." Nina said.

"Really?" Lucy questioned suspiciously. "Why?"

"You were lead to much shop for a reason, and I'd like to help you. That's why I do this. Besides, I know you won't use this for the wrong reasons. There is no harm in letting yourself know, right?"

Lucy was hesitant about all this, but she really wanted to know the truth.

"You're right. I'll take it." Lucy finally gave in.

"Alright. Just be aware that it only requires a little sip and should not be taken too many times in a row. You are welcome to drink it with something if you don't like the flavor." Nina warned.

"Ok...anything else I should know?" Lucy asked.

"Yes. Please come back here if anything happens." Nina replied. "Or if you would like to try something else."

"Wait, are there any bad side effects?" Lucy worried.

"No, not unless you drink too much of it at once." Nina assured. "But I would like to know the speed of success of my potion. It can be a little different for certain people."

"Ok. I'll do it. Thanks so much Nina." Lucy chirped.

Lucy then took the bottle and ran home.

She soon bolted to her apartment and grabbed a cup. She filled the cup with water and added a little of the potion, but didn't drink it.

Part of her was super excited, but another part of her was worried. Not so much about drinking a mysterious potion, but what it would do if it worked.

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